Chapter Six: The People of the City of Glass

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October 13th, 1866

Please. Please. Help me. Please. They won't let me leave. Please. They are *

* - The rest of the page was found to be torn intentionally.

October 15th, 1866

It is the day of the ritual, which seems to be quite special for these people. In the early part of the day, they were preparing a woman by washing her with spring water. The woman seemed oddly familiar, but I was most likely mistaken as this person had quartz for eyes and her skin had been peeled.

Later in the day, they called me to the center of the city to celebrate with them. I gladly agreed as I was promised to get a lot more of those lead marbles I wrote about previously.

The ritual commenced, and it began with music whereupon everyone cheered. Soon after, the aforementioned girl was brought up to the stage, which was also made of quartz.

She was laid down on the stage, and a man walked up whose eye sockets and mouth were filled with extremely large crystals, his face was shining brightly upon all those present. I was also mesmerized by this spectacle. This man began chopping off the arms and feet of the woman, and before she collapsed out of too much loss of blood, the man copulated with her. Throughout this ritual, the woman was laughing maniacally. Her laughter was contagious, and soon the entire crowd began to laugh, as did I.

When the ritual was complete, the body was chopped into finer pieces and was put into a large pot that lay to the side of the stage.

The food was served to everyone, it was the first time I had tried it and I was pleasantly surprised. The lead mixed into the broth added much welcomed extra flavour. During this feast, everyone in the crowd began to weep, their tears mixing with the broth. I was confused at first, but then I began to follow along. At the end of the whole ceremony, the sorrowing folk began to hiss at each other, and the whole gathering soon turned into a brawl. But the next moment, they all began to make love to each other.

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