6. San

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💙Stranger in a starry night💙

Expanding the soft blanket of pale blue color to the dewy meadow, I sat down, letting out a slight exhalation. I was on a small hill above my house, and behind me was a pair of tall trees with a dense canopy.

Letting every thought run freely across the meadow, I stared at the lights coming from my house. Whenever I felt sad, I would come here and talks about mu problems to the stars and the moon. They were the only ones who listened to my problems silently and without discussion, sympathizing with me.

Over time, the moon appeared more and more above the treetops. When he finally appeared, he embraced every meter of the earth with his shining veil. Every river, tree and house. Some lights have already begun to go out.

I closed my eyes from the pleasant feeling of the wind on my skin. I adored his caresses on every inch of my skin. A white dress with a pattern of pink flowers swayed around my ankles. From an early age, whenever I was exposed to the wind, something deep inside me would start to stir, like a swarm of butterflies that want to be free. Somewhere in the distance, the wind carried the scents of autumn fruits and the sounds from the houses that was around me. I could feel the caresses of the grass peeking out from under the stretched blanket on my arms and legs.

I opened my eyes to meet the starry space smiling at him.

"Finally clear skies and stars, sometimes you don't even realize how much you miss something until you see it again." - I heard a male voice coming from the other end of the meadow which was dark because of the trees. I got up abruptly, picked up my blankets to be ready to defend myself or run if this stranger tried anything.

"Take it easy, I didn't want to scare you. I saw you were alone here and watching the stars, so I thought you would be good company." - he spoke almost through a whisper while he was still standing in the dark.

"How can I be sure you're not a maniac?" - I asked, a little scared.

"Me? A maniac? Believe me, that's the last thing I would do." - now he came out of the darkness with slow movements like he was afraid that I would run away if he started moving faster. The moon shone all over him, giving me a chance to see him. He was dressed in a T-shirt and knee-length shorts. Black hair with drier strands shone in the moonlight, giving it a silver sheen. The closer he got to me, the faster my heart beat. He came very close to me so I could almost feel the warmth of his body.

"Do you want to keep staring or will you spread a blanket to sit together?" -I quickly looked away, blushing, while he carefully took the blanket from my hands and spread it. He sat on it and glanced at me. He smiled and pulled my arm and I fell right on the blanket.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" - he asked, looking up at the sky as that childish glow appeared in his eyes. I nodded, unable to say anything because I had never been in the intimate presence of a male person. Especially not at night.

Then there was an awkward silence. At least for me. I measured him out of the corner of my eye as he looked at the sky with the same expression as I had a little bit earlier.

"You know, I have one stupid star theory." - he whispered.

"Which one?"

"You promise not to laugh."

"I promise."

"I think that every star is in fact a representative of one soul and that they never go out because those souls, even when they physically disappear, they are still there. I'm sure our stars are there somewhere." - he said, stroking the sky with his hand.

"It's not funny at all, I even think there's some logic in it."

We sat like that for a while more talking about the things of life. I learned that he is a person with you will never talk about how time is or borning stuff like that, because he always talk about big things like the stars, the universe, our existence ...

"Y/N, come to the house, it's really late!" - the voice of my mother was heard calling me to come to the house.

"Here I am!" - I answered her, getting up from the blanket, and he did the same.

"Well, I guess that would be it for tonight." - I said, a little disappointed.

"We can always continue tomorrow." - when he realise what he said he looked away from me.

"I mean, of course, if it suits you and I don't want to sound intrusive. " - he said, now a little ashamed.

"No it's okay, see you tomorrow at the same time." - he smiled at that, showing his dimples, which were very cute.

"I'm San, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/N." - he approached me and pulled me into a warm embrace. First, I widened my eyes in surprise, and then I let my hands embrace his waist as well. We stood for a while, and when we realized we were hugging longer than usual, we both shyly moved away from each other. He stroked his neck with one hand and put the other in his pocket.

"I'm going now, bye." - I waved to him and headed towards the house, hearing a quiet "bye" behind me and feeling his gaze on me all the time. When I walked into the house and went to get ready for bed, I couldn't stop thinking about him. When I entered my room, I glanced out the window and saw that he was still sitting in the same place watching the stars.

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