1 | The New Kid

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Parker POV

I sat on a pile of trash bags, enjoying my rotting banana I found in the trash bags. My black, messy shoulder-length hair was in all directions because of the wind and my baseball cap that I put backwards all the time was lopsided. I looked up. Then I looked back down because the light from the sun sun blinded me for a moment. Then that would lead me to a disadvantage should I ever need to fight some people who were like nasty scum. 

I looked at my black faded Converse shoes. My faded navy blue shirt moved in the wind. I lived in Long Beach. I had a nice house there, but that's where my list of nice things stopped. 

"Shoot," I said. I forgot to go get my backpack at my "house". It wasn't really a house. Nobody lived in it. I didn't really have parents. They disappeared mysteriously when I was little. They said that they were going to come back, but I've come to the conclusion that they didn't like me and they wanted to leave me. 

I quickly ran to my house, grabbed my backpack, and walked to school. You might be wondering, "How does she go to school if she doesn't have parents?". I actually found out (don't ask me) how to access my parents' credit cards so I could pay for school.

I line up with my class. Nobody talked to me, well because, I'm one of those kids that's the quiet and mysterious type that you don't want to mess with. But I'm not lonely. Sometimes I help out people, like the janitor, because I don't really have anything else to do other than homework.

We walk in the classroom and there is a new desk. I sit in my seat. Ms. Harrison took attendance. "Chase Daneil. Please come to the front of the room," she says. A boy comes to the front of the room. "Class, this is our new student, Chase. Please  be respectful of him and the rest of you classmates." I look at him. He has sandy hair and he looks like a total jock. 'He looks boring,' I thought. I look at the window. 'Why do I bother going to school?' I think. I sighed. 'Another boring day begins,' I thought.

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