3 | Something Caught My Eye

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Chase POV

I look around the classroom. Kids are chewing gum, touching each other, waving around, and most definitly not looking at the teacher. I spot a student just sitting there doing nothing. The student was looking at the window. 

"Class!" Ms. Harrison said. "Sit down. Chase, your seat is right next to Parker," she said. "Parker, raise your hand," Ms. Harrison said. The student sitting near the window raised their hand. 

'Yesssss'  I thought. I have no idea why I said yes in my head but I went over to them and I sat in the desk near them. The student paid no attention to me. 

Butterflies were in my stomach, though I didn't know what that ment. Ms. Harrison made us do a few worksheets and then before I knew it, it was recess.

A few of the boys came up to me. "Yo," said a big muscular boy with blonde hair. "Do you play football?" I looked at them. One of the boys had black hair, and the other red. "Uh, yeah?" I said. "Perfect. Your now in the best group in the entire Larry Couldenbob School." 

I looked at them confused. "What do you mean? Look, I have to study and I don't think I have time for this right now," I said. "No, you don't get it. Being in this group is the biggest honor in this school."

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