Who is the Girl in Red?

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"Ara, honey your Hogwarts letter has arrived," Narcissa yelled upstairs. 

"Okay I'll be down in a second," a sweet voice responded. The voice belonged to the youngest Malfoy, Ara. The young witch was eager to finally be able to go to Hogwarts with her older brother. Her pale skin seemed to glow as she exited her room.

A blur of blonde hair moved across the hall to Draco's room, "Wake up! My Hogwarts letter is here!" the blonde hair boy groaned but got up. He loved his younger sister and knew she was excited so he obeyed. Ara practicality pulled Draco down the stairs to the kitchen. 

"Letter please!" Ana's face lit up as she was handed parchment. She moved her finger over the red seal keeping the letter closed. She slowly opened the letter not wanting to rip anything. After reading over the letter twice she studied what supplies she will need to go to her dream school.

"We will have to go to Diagon Alley today to get all your supplies," Lucius said as though he was reading her mind.

Diagon Alley

The sun shined down on to the Malfoy's as they entered through Diagon Alley. Ara was amazed by what she saw, chomping books to mysterious creatures. Every store contained magic and Ara barely could handle herself. She grinned knowing this was the start of new chapter.

Even though it seemed so odd, Ara felt like she was in her second home.

"Let's go to Madam Malkin's first then Flourish and Blotts. We will go to Ollivander's last," Narcissa listed the shops needed. After getting all the supplies Ara rushed to Ollivander's, she couldn't wait to be able to do magic. 

"Hello Ollivander," the young witch said politely. 

"Why hello there Ara, let me go find some wands for you to try." "Sycamore wood with dragon heartstring core, 13" and flexible." When the witch picked up the wand flowers showered around her. She looked in awe as she performed her first act of magic. "I bet you will do great things with that wand," the older wizard smiled and left. 

Ara ran out side to find her family, "Draco look at my new wand! I can't wait to produce magic out of it!" 

Draco smiled to know she was this happy, "Woah slow down little one, I bet you will do amazing things with that wand!" It made Ara happy that her big bro supports her.

Platform 9 3/4 

Walking through Kings Cross was a family of four, the Malfoy's. Their youngest is going off to Hogwarts with her older brother and she couldn't be more excited.

 Ara skipped on her way to Platform 9 3/4, "I can't wait to meet new friends!" she was excited but there was one thing nagging her. She was worried she wasn't going to be sorted into Slytherin and then her family would disown her.

But she did her best to keep that thought out of her mind, she was about to go to Hogwarts! She had dreamed about going here for ages. Finally they arrived to where the magical barrier was, the Malfoy's went through the barrier to enter the magical world. Little did she know this was going to be the last time Ara would enjoy being with her family for a long time.


AN- I am really sorry about how short this is I am hoping to improve my writing. Also I know this isn't very good so if you could leave me some tips I would appreciate it! Well I hope you enjoy my story! :)

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