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Ara walked down the aisle to try to find a compartment. Before knowing what happened she was knocked to the ground, next to her was a girl with dark brown hair. 

"I'm so sorry I should've paid more attention," the girl said while helping Ara up.

"It is totally fine! I also should've been paying more attention. So what is your name?"

"I'm Emma! How about you?"

"My name is Ara! Want to find a compartment?"

"Of course!"

As the two girls walked they realized how close of friends they could be. Finally they settled in a compartment, inside was a boy with bright red hair, another boy with black untidy hair, and a girl with brown bushy hair.

"Hi guys! I'm Emma and this is Ara," Ara sheepishly waved to them. Unlike her family Ara was not very sociable.

"I'm Harry"

"I'm Ron"

"Hello I'm Hermione"

"Do you mind if we sit with you? Everywhere else is full."

"Of course!" Hermione knew these girls were nice, but somehow he recognized the blonde one.

Ara spoke up, "Did you say Harry? Like Harry Potter?"

"Yeah that's me! Also you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" Harry was thinking the same thing Hermione was.

"Yeah that is probably because I'm a Malfoy," Ara quietly responded. She had heard about Draco and Harry, she just hoped her family didn't get in the way of her making friends. 

"Oh okay," Harry wasn't sure whether he could trust her. What if she was like her brother, but Harry knew there was something different about her.

The rest of the train ride the five of them conversed but there was some tension between Ara and the trio.


"Firs years over here! Firs years!" a large man with matted hair and an old leather jacket. Ara followed the man to a lake, at the edge of the lake were numerous boats. At the other side of the lake, was a magnificent castle. Ara looked up in awe realizing this was her new school. The young Malfoy got in a boat with Emma, a girl who had the same colored hair as Ron.

"Sorry to bother you but do you happen to be related to a boy named Ron?" 

"Yeah! He is my brother!" 

"Cool! I met him on the train" The three talked about their first year until they reached Hogwarts.  The inside was much better then Ara could ever imagine the tall ceilings, beautiful sculptures, and the feeling of magic made Ara feel like she was dreaming. That is when an strict looking women with a neat bun walked in.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said women, "I am professor Mcgonagall and I will be your teacher for transfiguration, I am also the head of Gryffindor. The start-of-term feast will begin shortly, but beforeyou take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted in to your houses. The house you get sorted in will be like your family for the next seven years. You will have classes, eat, and sleep in your dormitories with your houses. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house is unique and has their own traits. While you are at Hogwarts, your goods acts will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I hope you are all prepared and have a great year at Hogwarts."

Shortly after the speech the first years were lead to the Great Hall, they lined up in front of the whole school. The sorting hat sung a song and then it was time to be sorted. Ara was still worried she wasn't going to be sorted into Slytherin, but she just had to hope for the best. Name after name was called and the same thing happened over and over again. A first year was called up with a nervous look on their face, the hat sorted them and their face was painted with relief. Ara thought she was ready until her name was called.

"Malfoy, Ara"


So she is finally at Hogwarts! What house do you think she will be sorted in to?

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I tried my hardest but I don't think it is very good. Thank you for reading!

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