The Sorting

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Ara walked up to the stool, her hands shook as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. "Another Malfoy, but you are different then the rest. You don't have the same personality. No, you must be Gryffindor!"

The table off red and gold erupted into cheers, but the only thing Ara was worried about was her brother's reaction. She looked at him but all she got back was a scoff, Ara knew he hated her now. She dragged herself to the Gryffindor and put her head in her hands. Emma and Ginny were also sorted into Gryffindor and Emma was the first person to check on her. "What's wrong Ara?" she asked worriedly.

"My family hates me now. I'm a disgrace to the Malfoy name."

"You are not a disgrace! Embrace who you are! If your family doesn't support you then they aren't true family.

"Emma is right. Just be yourself," Harry butted in.

"Thanks guys," Ara said with a sad smile.

All of Ara's new friends welcomed her and made sure she was happy the rest of the night. It worked, she forgot about her family until the next morning.

Great Hall

As the group of friends into the Hall, Ara glanced up to where the Sorting Hat was the night before. That is when it hit her hard, she knows her family absolutely loathes her at the moment. She remembers the look her brother gave her, Ara remembers the years growing up and her family saying she was amazing therefore she would be in Slytherin. Ara takes a shaky breath as she tries to steady herself. Emma gave her a worried look but Ara gave her a reassuring smile.

Ara tried her best to forget about her family, that was until the owl she knew too well swooped over her dropping a letter. The young witch knew there was something in this letter that would hurt her, she left breakfast early to open the letter in her dorm. Ara takes a deep breath before ripping open the letter:

I can't believe my own daughter got sorted into Gryffindor! You are an absolute disgrace to this family! I am informing you now to never come back to the manor, I will not allow a filthy Gryffindor like you in my household. Also leave Draco alone, he doesn't need to worry about someone like you. Have fun trying to find somewhere to live you disappointment. 

Ara felt her heart shatter more after every word she read, she couldn't believe it. She knew they wouldn't be happy, but never she thought that she would be kicked out of her own home. Ara burst into tears and curled up in a ball. She continues to cry as she hears footsteps enter her dormitory.

"Oh my, Ara what happened?" Emma walked in with a concerned look. It hurt her to see Ara like this, even though they had just met Emma felt safe with the young witch. She hadn't felt safe in a while. Emma calmly rubbed Ara's back waiting for a response.

"M- my family kic- kicked me out," she sobbed.

"Aw Ara it will be okay. We will find away around this, I promise," Emma pulled her friend into a hug and just let her cry there. She knew Ara just needed to calm down and compose herself.


"Your welcome. I am always here to talk"


I finished my third chapter! 


Anyways I would love your guys feedback and advice on this! Hope you enjoy my story!

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