< 20 > A final snow

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Everyone had left, everyone but schlatt, he sat cradling his son, a snow had began to fall.

people tried to get schlatt to leave tubbo or atleast let them bury him, but he refused

"please tubbo please" me mumbled cradling the dead boy

"hi i'm tubboo" schlatt looked up, a ghostly form of tubbo hovered, the fresh ghostly glow of yellow casting over schlatt

he let go and got up embracing tubboo into a hug

"hi dad" tubboo giggled

"you remember me" schlatt teared up

"of course i do!"

"now where are we" tubboo looked around confused, his eyes caught a glimpse of himself on the floor

"oh no- i died didn't i. how?" tubboo was surprisingly calm

"just like your old man" schlatt let a relieved giggle  out, knowing his son was atleast still here as a ghost.

"i was an alcoholic!!!" tubboo exclaimed confused

"god no, stroke"

"i was only 17- how does that-"

"the amount of stress you was under would've killed the healthiest person"


"can we go now, the snow isn't good for us tubboo"


the two continued to walk off, laughing and joyous.

for some reason, in that moment it felt like nothing that had taken place those last few days had happened. everything felt calm, a sense of ease

[ time skip ; the next day ]

"schlatt and tubboo passed over!" ghostbur smiled telling tommy

"but- he didn't even say goodbye" tommy frowned

"you'll get your chance one day tommy! be happy for them" ghostbur beamed handing tommy some blue and humming as he went to join friend

"i wish things were different ghostbur"

"i know tommy but it's just the joys of life! things will be okay, i promise!"

"i guess your right"

tommy sat joining ghostbur on the bench, looking over l'manberg

until  the juke box began playing by itself, tommy and tubbos favourite disc, cat. the same disc that played after the disc war, as tommy and tubbo sat listening in victory

that was tommy's happiest memory

"hey tubboo!" ghostbur waved

"he's- he's here!" tommy looked around, unable to see his friend

"you can't see him tommy, he crossed over. only other spirits can see crossed over ones silly" ghostbur giggled


"tubbo said to check the chest in your house, he said the secret one you guys had"

tommy rushed up, running to his house, he dug and beneath the dirt there it was

the secret chest

he opened it, inside

the compass

he picked it up carefully, in the back engraved 'your tubbo'

tommy thought he'd lost it, even though the glass was cracked and the gold scratched it was okay.

he felt tears fill his eyes as he dabbed them away gently with the sleeve of his hoodie

"in another life bitchboy" he heard, tubbo

he couldn't see tubbo, but he knew he had left

tommy held the compass to his chest, as in the distance cat gently played

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