Chapter 5. "Home...and Home."

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Hey guys!

So, this took a slightly different turn than the one I expected but I couldn't get this idea out of my head, therefore here comes chapter 5!

I always knew I wanted to add Edmund and Lucy's lives in England from time to time and I feel like this is a good place to start and that it will be interesting to develop. Sorry for the angst but I promise that chapter 6 (which I've already planned) will be fluffy and really entertaining! Also, the plot is really going to start from there.

Disclaimer: Do not own anything.

Hope you guys like this! As of right now, I'm rotating my updates between this fic, "The Prince, The Girl, The Lion" and "Going The Long Distance" but the next chapters are all planned out so it shouldn't be long before the next update comes up!

Cheers for reading!

Chapter 5. "Home...and Home."

The week after their return to England was especially difficult.

Not only had they left their home but also, they were not four anymore. For, while in spirits the Pevensie siblings would always be together, the fact was that in reality, the crossroads of their lives took them to different places.

Now, the High King and the Gentle Queen of Narnia were blessed with a lifetime in their one true home. Meanwhile, the Just King and the Valiant Queen had been doomed to depart Narnia once again.

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy had formed a bond based on the trials and tribulations they were forced to face. The war, their journey to Narnia, their lives as monarchs, they had made the foursome a certainly closer group of siblings than most but still, one might agree that it was the only way they could survive.

By working as a King.

The tales from the Golden Age all spoke of how the Kings and Queens of Old were equally important to each other and to the safekeeping of Narnia. Peter might have been the High King but each of them were as essential as the next, this partially accomplished by their different skills, their different strengths, their different priorities, and their different weaknesses. It had taken them a minute, learning how to work together, but once they learned they became the most accomplished leaders and diplomats of the region.

Sure, the Golden Age of Narnia had been reached because of its people, because of the battles won and because of the enemies defeated - all of this being a common effort - but still, it doesn't take much wit to recognize that without a good leader, a country is not fated to enjoy a peaceful situation for long.

Peter's decisiveness, Susan's intelligence, Edmund's wisdom and Lucy's empathy, those had been large culprits of Narnia's good fortune.

Unfortunately, good things were not meant to least.

With the four Pevensie's disappearance, not only had Narnia's stability crumbled but also, the siblings' dynamic had disrupted.

And now, after yet another journey in Narnia, their dynamic had been altered yet again. Now, the issues between them had been mended but at the same time, they had been split.

Edmund and Lucy would always be elated for their siblings and their opportunity to live in Narnia for good. Susan and Caspian deserved the chance to be together and Peter, he had never been as happy as when he had been in Narnia. After all, they had lived in Narnia for most of their lives, forming attachments, memories, experiences, that not even a century in England could erase. Their hearts, souls and minds belonged in Narnia and the two youngest Pevensie were quick to agree that they could not fault the others in staying Home.

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