3 - A Development

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"Did you get all the iron?" George and Naomi had been sent off onto a mining trip to get iron and diamond ores. Dream had announced that he wanted to go to the Nether but the group didn't have the proper tools to mine the obsidian to build a proper portal. 

"Yep!" She hoisted up the sack of ores up to show her companion and grinned. "What about you Mr. Gorg?" 

He showed her his own sack and she gave him a thumbs up. "Packin'." They snickered and hauled their bundles up and out of the cave, getting a secure grip on them before starting their trek back to the base. Covered in dust and scratched up, both Naomi and George held the marks of labor upon their skin. 

"Aye let's head back!" They walked in a comfortable silence, occasionally getting side tracked when they saw a pretty flower or a cute wild sheep. They had always been cute to her, with their large eyes and cute fuzzy coats; She simply did not understand people who didn't like the company of animals. Naomi wanted to take an animal home but decided she should ask before acting recklessly. Dream and the others seemed to live a methodical life, and she didn't want to throw in any more curveballs without asking their collective opinion on the matter. "Alright George, I have a question for you."


"Who would you say you're closest with?" Earlier, she had been thinking about the boys' relationships in accordance to one another. Where she had come from before, the reproduction of children was done in order to get more work done; more people meant more laborers.  "That's probably not a fair question thought since you're all awfully close, yeah?"

"Oh man I don't know... they're all like, reallyyyy close to me. I guess you can call them my brothers? We've all known each other for so long I can't remember what life is like without them." Naomi smiled at the response. 

"Did you grow up together?"

"Yep! We're all from another town but we decided to move away after some personal issues went down. Plus, we all wanted more freedom on what we could do, so we decided to stick together and find a way to live out by ourselves." His eyes seemed to dilate in excitement, getting pumped up over the very thought of their first ideas of independence. He was an optimistic one, Naomi thought as she looked at the expression of her companion brighten up their walk back home. "So when we found this spot out here it only really took us a couple months of building and work to be able to move. We have lots of things we want to accomplish while we're out here and being in a group has made it really easy for us."

"It's really sweet." 

"Aw yeah you think so?"

"Ohhh yeah." She responded instantly. "Where I lived, if you're from a farm you're more of a worker than you are someone's child or family. It's been... a change since I've come to the base. You guys' relationship is so amazing to me." She gave him a beaming grin. "I love it."

George looked over at her and ruffled her hair. "I'm really glad you're here with us." He had a soft smile on his face, and Naomi felt her heart melt. It was a feeling that she had read about in the books she read as a child. A feeling that described the protection of an older sibling, the warmth of a mother, the graze of sunshine upon one's skin, the coziness of a warm fireplace, and the security of a roof above one's head. He was so. . . brotherly. She felt a sense of community and family that she had not experienced to this extent in her life until that point. 

"Thank you for finding me."


"Alright men! And woman!" Dream was laying out the plan on how they would be going to the Nether and gathering supplies. He had made the portal earlier that day and the others are finished gathering up all the necessary supplies for their trip into what many referred to as Hell. "We'll look around the area and see if we can find a fortress. Stay at least 100 meters close to each other and don't lose sight of anyone. Got it?" They all nodded in agreement.

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