Epilogue & A/N

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It was perhaps already 11 am. The birds outside had begun their daily ritual of chirping their tiny little birdy vocal cords off-- so loud in fact that from within the little house in the forest, Naomi let out a groan of dissatisfaction. "Fucking loud birds..." She sighed and pulled the blanket over her face. "One minute longer...please and thanks."

"Oi, ma'am." A hand landed itself onto the top of her head and ruffled her already ruffled and tangled hair. "Come on, you don't want to let the entire day pass you already." She uncovered her face from under the blanket and made an annoyed face at the culprit who had broken her sleep. Without a second to process an insult, Dream poked Naomi on the forehead, right where the skin was furrowed. "Try and stress less, you just woke up."

"You woke me up asshole."

"Oh boohoo, you woke up before noon," As she sat up, Dream gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and began to head out of the room. "Bad made chocolate chip cookies."

Bolting out of bed and into decent clothes, Naomi grinned broadly at Dream's statement. "For breakfast?!" The grin on her face only caused the man in front of her to avert his gaze and smile sheepishly. "Hehe, I take that as a yes!" Rushing out of the room and into the kitchen, Dream let out a flustered huff and tried to calm down the warmth rushing to his cheeks; she was awfully cute in the mornings.

"Gooood morning!" George called out to Naomi from the counter, Bad pulling fresh cookies from the oven while Sapnap tinkered with something at the dining table. "Waking up late today, huh? Did you forget that Big Q and Drista are coming over today?" People from the SMP were coming over to visit for dinner to celebrate the coming of the new harvest and to meet each other. Ever since the battle back in Riverbend, the boys had kept connected with their friends and family more in the Eastern Territory. 

"Was there some memo sent out about me needing to be up during a one-digit hour?" Sapnap scoffed at her statement and finally turned his head to look up at her.

"If that was the case, you'd wake up at 1 pm or later." 

"Shut it, Snifflemap." With a giggle, George and Sapnap went back to talking about whatever they had been before Naomi had walked in. "Bad, have I ever told you that you're my favorite out of all of them?"

Bad shook his head and smiled brightly. "Oh! Am I? I'm so happy to hear that!" 

"So I'm not your favorite?" Dream walked in finally, an exaggerated look of hurt on his face. "I'm deeply hurt."

"Yep, you're not," Naomi reached for a cookie on the tray. "Bad is! Have you ever made me cookies, Dream? I don't think so, therefore you are at spot number three!" 


"Bad is first, then George. Because George helps me gather honey from hives."


"Sapnap all you ever do is fish and burn shit down." The kitchen erupted with laughter and Sapnap began to chase after Naomi, causing the everyday chaos of the base in the forest to ensue like every other day. Looking at her fondly, Dream smiled broadly as he admired what he had in that moment. 

"I love you all," He said so softly that no one caught it, save for the baker in the kitchen who smiled only to himself, knowing that saving that poor nameless girl caught in the rain had allowed for a change in their lives once again. 

On days like this, there was joy.



Thank you for reading this story of mine. The kind comments and engagement I have received really make me so happy. I am grateful to be able to share my writing with such a lovely audience. I hope to write again in the future, hopefully for a larger variety of fandoms. Again, thank you, and I hope to see you again in my next books. 


Jojoba <3

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