the first part

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"Alright, we have some promising canidates for you, Lex," Mercy gave a placid smile as she set the files down on Lex's enormous oak desk.

He pulled his legs off the desktop where they were lounging comfortably to hunch over the files with ferocous anticipation. He began to flip through them mindlessly.

"Boring, boring, boring," he looked up at Mercy with a lazy smile. "I thought you said we had some cool canidates, Mercy, you silly girl."

"Take a look at the next one, sir,"

His dark eyes grazed over the next profile.

Suzette Lemaine, 35

He removed the photo which had been carefully paperclipped to the top of her file. She was a relatively good looking young woman, with jet black hair that came to her midback, and not a freckle or wrinkle on her porcelean skin. But what intrigued Lex most was her eyes. Or rather, eye. She was a cyclops, which delighted the ginger to no end.

"YES. This one, she's hired," he said gleefully, pushing the rest the files back into Mercy's arms.

"But sir shouldn't we at least interview her?" Mercy objected.

"No need, I can tell! She's a hard worker, and she seems so fun!"

"Very well, I'll let her know,"

Mercy fumbled with the heavy oak door, files threatening to drop from her arms.

Lex propped his legs back onto the desks surface, his sneakers squealing in protest. He tucked his arms behind his head and grinned to himself.

Oh this will be fun, indeed.


The harsh Metropolis sun woke Lex from his nightmare. The same nightmare he had every night. The thought of it made him shudder, so he pushed the duvet off himself and prepared for the day ahead.

He sauntered to his ornate wooden armoire, a heirloom from his father, like many of the furnishings in his office and bedroom. Though he detested that man, he felt it would be a waste to throw out such beautiful furniture. He quickly chose a suit jacket and pants, and a nirvana tee shirt to go underneath.

He picked up his cell phone and pocketed it before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. He took a nice cast iron pan off th rack and turned the electric burner to a medium heat. He swung open the fridge to reveal his poor eating habits. Primarily, it was littered with chinese food containers, energy drinks and oddly enough, mineal water. Lex grabbed a few eggs out of the many left in the container and wondered for a moment if they were still good. He shrugged to himself, and cracked them into the pan, tossing the shells into the sink. He studied the eggs as they sizzled the pan, the edges slowly crisping up. They smelled heavenly. After a minute or two, Lex broke them apart with the spatula and rolled them around the pan. He let them cook a little longer, and then seasoned them with red pepper and salt. He grabbed a for and ate the scrambled eggs right out of the pan like a feral cat. Lex left the pan on the stove and turned the burner off, before heading to the elevator.

Lex's loft was the top floor of his ridiculously huge corporation. It required a special key to get to, so outsiders couldnt just pop in on a whim, although the idea excited Lex greatly. He took the elevator to his office, which was only a floor down, but he would sooner die than take the stairs.

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