The second part

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Lex entered the elevator and pushed the button for his office. Mercy greeted him as the door opened, gave him a black coffee in a styrofoam cup.

"That new recruit, Suzette," Mercy began.

Lex pushed open the heavy oak door to his office and took a sip from the cup. Blech. He hated black coffee, the migraines from caffeine withdrawal were not worth it.

"She was able to start today, so I had Edith from HR show her around." Mercy continued.

Lex dropped his coffee in surprise, spilling it all over the hardwood floor.

"Sir! Are you okay?" Mercy dropped to the floor, and began cleaning up with a few tissues from her purse.

"Mercy! I wanted to show Suzette around! Why did you do that?" Lex rubbed his eyes. He fought the urge to scream at the poor woman.

"Sorry sir, it's just, you have important meetings all day, so I thought you could meet her tomorrow."

"Absolutely not! Clear my schedule!"

Mercy nodded and quickly left the room. Lex smoothed his suit jacket and strode over to his desk. He took a few jolly ranchers out of the large glass jar and replaced the lid.

In the elevator, he tugged at his ginger hair nervously. Would she like him? Would she like working here? As the elevator chimed the floors, Lex sighed. The elevator suddenly opened, an a gaggle of scientists entered. It was a bit early for their lunch break, but he was never strict on that kind of thing. He screamed internally as the elevator closed. Too many people, too close to him. He felt his throat close up as the elevator continued to chime. As they reached the ground floor, he ripped out of the group and rest his hands on his knees as he sucked in fresh air.

"Mr Luthor?" The nasal voice of Edith from HR rung through his ears.

He sprung up immediately and faced the ladies, smirking. He tried to look cool, but that's only so possible when you've just finished hyperventilating.

"Edith, and Suzette, I'm guessing? So nice to see you. My favorite lady, and hopefully my favorite other lady!"

"Hey boss," Suzettes voice was angelic. Smooth as silk sheets and a fine alto tone.

Lex grinned and held out a pale, trembling hand. Suzettes hand fit perfectly with his, and was warm to the touch.

"Great to finally meet you! But please just call me Lex! I don't consider myself the boss, we're a team. Aren't we, Edith?" He shot a sidelong glance at Edith.

Edith, well into her 50's and tired of Lex's antics, gave a small smile.

"We most certainly are." She said.

"Well Edith, I'll take it from here," Lex said,

"But sir—"

"Really, it's not a problem. I want to." Lex insisted.

Edith nodded in understanding and made her way to the elevator.

Lex watched the amazement grow on Suzettes face as he led her through the lobby of Lexcorp.

"...and over here is our basketball court! Whaddya think?"

He beamed with pride over the fun atmosphere of his company.

"It's.." Suzette hesitated.

Lex looked over his shoulder at her, biting his lip nervously.

"..amazing." She said finally. Her eye shone with excitement. "Boss, this is an awesome setup you have here!"

Lex once again felt his heart swell with pride. He had successfully impressed her. Her face looked so cute when she was happy, he never wanted to see her any other way.

"But boss, shouldn't I be getting back to work?" Suzette fidgeted with hem of her top.

Lex engulfed her hands with his, savoring the warmth they gave. He pressed his forehead against hers, grinning widely. He felt Suzette's pulse quicken as she avoided his gaze.


Lex frowned. He never wanted her to call him that again. As if she was beneath him. As if she were his servant. If anyone should be serving, it should be him. Her beauty and intelligence  was a blessing, and he couldn't get  enough.

"Please," his voice was pained. "Please don't call me that. We're equals, don't you see?"

Suzette pulled away from him. "I know that." She nodded.

Lex reached for her again, but she turned tail and headed to the elevator.

"I'm going to get to work. Thanks for the tour, uh," she stumbled on a proper title for him. "Um, thanks."

Lex scrambled after her towards the elevator. She turned to him, surprise evident in her face.

"You need the elevator too?" She scratched her head nervously. "Well that makes sense, you are the..uh.."

"I'm in charge, I guess!" Lex chuckled. "Although I don't like the title 'boss' I do keep this company in order."

Suzette nodded, and started to fiddle with her hem once more. When the elevator chimed the second floor, Suzette gave him a small smile and wave as she headed to her desk. Second cubicle, third row. Lex would remember that. He soon arrived on the floor of his office and stepped out. Mercy was once again waiting for him, clipboard in hand.

"Well, Mercy! What else is on the docket today?"

"For the rest of the day," Mercy checked her clipboard. "You've got back to back meetings. You were supposed to be in a meeting with the head of Municipal affairs this morning but you asked me to cancel that. Before lunch, you have a quick meeting with HR, to go over a misconduct case." She droned on.

"What's this about misconduct?" Lex furrowed his brow.

"Some of the female staff are complaining that David R from the municipal department is acting inappropriately towards them."

Lex grit his teeth. This man, acting domineering over women he didn't even know. What kind of power did he think he had, to act this way?

"Alright, I'll handle it!" He gave a quick salute to Mercy and ducked back into the elevator.

As he rode down, he fumed. Did this man think he was so above the few rules Lex put in place that could frighten and control women? Well, he wouldn't think that for much longer.

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