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Kurapika immediately called Linssen for a quick and thorough research about Kuroro Lucifer.

The secretary came with surprisingly a bunch of latest about the Ryodan head. It centered about a death match in Heaven's Arena with Lucifer as the Floor Master and Hisoka as his opponent, the puppeteering of hundreds of audiences and an explosion that claimed a lot of lives. Apparently, Lucifer showed off his abilities there and went all out against Hisoka. Hisoka was said to have died with his limbs cut but his corpse mysteriously disappeared. In addition to that, Lucifer seemed to have acquired a new skill set, terrifying new skill set, that composed of being able to manipulate people, creating copies of victims, using these copies to attack and kill, creating nen-triggered bombs and using these abilities all at the same time. To one's eyes, he was a master. A nen genius. He could utilize different types of nen with deadly proficiency, defying the rules of the discipline. One more run over Linssen's report and Kurapika understood how much stronger Lucifer had grown and he bet it wouldn't be that easy to put him into zetsu, his strongest ace against Ryodan, for the second time around.

Once again, he was at loss of Lucifer's motive.

Come to think of it; he could have killed him right there and then at the lounge to settle their score and avenge for those two members he killed. But he didn't for reasons that Kurapika could only guess.

Something must be happening to Genei Ryodan.

Hisoka said the Troupe always went in groups, and Kuroro was accompanied with at least one or two members. But Kuroro was alone back then: Kurapika surreptitiously searched the vicinity for any indication that Kuroro brought some back up, and found no one. If Kuroro was that serious about intimidating him then he should have brought his finest members to tell to his face that should he attacked, he wouldn't stand a chance. But no, either because he was confident enough that he could handle Kurapika alone or he was sincere about his truce.

Moreover, the prophecy...

Kurapika slipped his phone back to his blazer pocket and whipped out the small, folded sheet of paper from another. He flipped it open with a flick of his thumb.

'Careful inference will mislead you on the way

It is not the dead end, but the road will be rough

The entourage will tear down to half

But amongst the hideous foes is a strong aid.'

'You are to sign a treaty with the devil

Sealed with a kiss and it will be a key

To the master's chamber only to find it empty

And its dweller will prove you guilty'

'The spear will be turned to your warded angel

The coats will not suffice, be aware

To ascertain victory, renew the contract

You will meet a companion who will keep you on track.'

The metaphors were not vague to Kurapika. He instantly interpreted its first part, and just like Kuroro said, it referred to an event that had happened in the past; when he found out that his employer was the fourteenth prince, the weakest among the Kakin heirs. But he didn't turn his back and accepted the job, and used whatever means he could find by setting terms with Lady Oito. The third line was about the death of his fellow bodyguards from the prince's parasitic nen monsters attack. The fourth could be referring to Woble's nen beast.

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