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Kurapika had completely discerned what the second stanza of his prophecy entailed.

Not only it was pretty literal (wasn't the prophecy supposed to be in metaphor form?); the outcome of this situation was even made clear. The scheme Kuroro was about to pull would work: they would be able to get inside Tserriednich's cabin—his chamber, and if it would go along the prophecy, they wouldn't find the treasures, the Kuruta eyes, inside.

And by the looks of it, Kuroro didn't know it.

So he really didn't look into his prophecy?

But it was now too late: he couldn't work on something to do damage control here. Tserriednich's bloodshot eyes studied Kurapika's feature from head to foot, each swipe of glance examined every inch of his body, and they lingered particularly at his face, on his eyes.

"Kurapika," Kuroro mouthed with his baritone voice. "Your eyes."

'You scumbag!' He eyed him viciously. Kuroro responded with a calm, discreet nod and eyes expressing assurance. The bastard was really going to do this.

And Kurapika figured he was fairly deep in this shit anyway so why not go all the way down? After all, he was curious of the prophecy's accuracy and this would prove it.

But before anything else, he had made a memo to kill Kuroro Lucifer later for the stolen kiss soon right after clearing this disaster the bastard got him into.

Kurapika did his best to calm down. He breathed in, closed his eyes, knowingly altered his eyes color, and languidly opened them, his gaze straight right into Tserriednich's mesmerized one. He brought his hands up in surrender, eyes not leaving the prince's.

"We are very sorry, sirs. Please spare us," Kuroro pleaded, voice low and apologetic.

"This is an out of bound area, how did you get this far of the boundary?" The guard questioned, his gun aimed towards Kuroro's head.

"We... snuck in when the guards weren't watching. And we believe this part of the boundary is still passable for the guests. We humbly beg for your pardon, we will leave as soon as—"

"Put the gun down, Friist." Tserriednich raised one hand and told his guard off. Kuroro swallowed the rest of his words. "Well, well. If it isn't a young, forbidden secret love affair." Kurapika visibly shuddered at that. So this was what Kuroro was getting at, huh?"

"We didn't mean to disturb you in any way, Your Highness. We are..." Kuroro purposely trailed off.

"... Just looking for a place to be alone so no one can see you getting it on. I can see that much."

Somebody please take Kurapika anywhere but here. He blushed not out of embarrassment but because of utter disgrace and disgust.

"Young man," Tserriednich regarded Kurapika a look. "I remember you. You are Prince Woble's bodyguard, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," Kurapika bowed ever so curtly.

"This is a surprise. I never thought there was a survivor of the sacred Kuruta tribe."

"I am Kurapika, the head of the fourteenth Kakin prince's bodyguards and from the Hunter Association as well. I humbly apologize for whatever inconvenience my companion and I may have cause—"

"Don't sweat it, Kurapika," the way his name rolled off so casually on Tserriednich's tongue caused Kurapika's skin to crawl. "There's no need for the two of you to fret. This is such a petty incident and we can overlook it. In fact, I understand your situation. However, this place is still not the right one for you guys to just do your private business."

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