Chap. Five - The Admissions

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Hi guys, just a little author's note to address some things before this chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, just things got a little hectic in my life so I haven't had much time to write.

  First, as some of you have noticed, I changed the cover of The Nevers. Some of my friends on Wattpad asked why I changed it. Well, I changed it because I wanted my cover to represent what was inside better. When I really looked at it, the first cover really said to me, "The Nevers (people) are deserted, trapped from any communication from society." Now, that is true but that's not my real reason for writing The Nevers. I chose the other cover because it said, "The Nevers use their voice and speak up for what they want," to me and that's the whole idea.

Another thing, I've had people come up to me and say (and I quote), "This is basically Divergent." That really works my nerves because this is not Divergent. I do love the books and I genuinely respect Veronica Roth so I would never imitate something she wrote. Yes, my book has to do with taking a test (and by the way, it's actually an academic test with reading, writing, math, science, and history, not a simulation test) and recieving your place (and they don't choose their place, it is assigned to them). And yes, the main character, Alice, doesn't "fit in", but that's for a different reason which you will find out in the chapter after this one. (Told you, I don't spill too much!)

So please don't compare this to Divergent because that's not what it is. Thanks!


    They are here.

    The Admissions are here.

     How do I do this?

    Answer: There's no how. Just do.

    18 hours until the Admissions


     I lie down in bed in my blue jeans and white blouse. No covers for me, just lying down. Because I am lost. I have no idea what I am going to do. I turn my head to my window. Sunligt cuts through the blind spots in the curtain, illuminating my room by slits. I feel alone. I feel nothing.

    Within minutes the sun disappeares behind a gloomy mask of clouds and the rain comes. I close my eyes. Story of my life, right? Just when I think I may be okay when the Admissions come, it turns out I won't be. Because there is no friend that can possibly replace Jack. There is no one who can be the friend he is. Never. Ever. Not even a figure of imagination.

   So here I am. Alone. And bored. I roll over and listen to the pattern of raindrops beating on by window until they lull me to sleep.


I dream about one thing: music. No Jack (surprisingly), just music. I dream about this song from the 2000's that I've never heard. But I know the lyrics because it went down in the musical history books for some reason.

   Take me to church; I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies.

   I 'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife.

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