Chap. Four - The Complications

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    Three days until I go.

    One dinner that changed things.

    Bon appetit.

   "Alright everybody!" our teacher, Mr. Yeti calls out, attempting to regain the class's attention. I am holding on to Jack's hand and glancing at the digital clock that hung on the wall. 3:59. One minute. I turn my head back to Mr. Yeti, who is practically yelling to speak. "I hope you all remember the the Admissions Celebratory dinner and party is tomorrow so I hope you all can attend."

   The clock struck four. Students begin to bustle out of the room like bees. Jack and I stand and grab our bags, following the mob.

   "I'll email the address to everyone!" Mr. Yeti calls after us.

    I don't entirely hear what he said because I am too busy with Jack, but I'll just remember to check my email tonight.

     "So are you still coming over to eat ice cream and cake?" Jack asks me as we make our way down the street to our houses.

      "Of course," I say.

      "Wanna go early?"

     I groan. "Ugh, I can't. I gotta pick up Elly and help her teacher with the Admissions decorations."

    "Aw man!" Jack whines. He jumps behind me and lifts me up with ease. I squeal as the ground disappears and I find myself on Jack's back. 

     "Oh my God, Jack!" I scream. People are staring again. "Put me down!"

     "But I wanna spend more time with you," he fake whines, walking and holding me at the same time.

      I roll my eyes at his dramatization. "In case you've forgotten, Mr. Drama King, I see you every day."

       "Yeah, but if it were my choice I'd see you every minute of every day."

        Oh my God this boy is as sweet as heaven itself.

        Jack lightly put me down, keeping his hands steady around my rib cage so I don't fall. God, do I love him. 

        My eyes brighten as I get an idea. "Hey, you could come with me, y'know, to help out."

        Jack pouted. "Really, Alce? You know I'm not a helping-out kind of guy." I look down, tyring to hide my disappointment. Jack smiles. "But if that's what it takes to see my girl, then I'm with you. Every. Single. Step. Of. The. Mother. Freaking. Way." I smile at him and he flashes pearly whites.

      "Thank you so much!" I say, hugging him. His body wraps around mine like an envelope. "Sweet Jesus, do I love you." And without thinking, I give him a quick peck on the lips.

       Jack stiffens out of shock. His face goes totally blank like he has just seen a ghost. I bite my lip hard enough to almost draw blood.

      I pull away and stare wondering if I did the wrong thing. Maybe he just doesn't feel the same way, I think in horror. Maybe I just fucked up our friendship.

     Then Sarcastic Alice returns at the wrong. Fucking. Time. No shit, Sherlock.

      Shut the hell up, I retort. I wasn't kidding about the damn soap. She is silent once again.

     Jack stares down at me in shock. I was about to apologize when he does the craziest thing. He kisses me. Like really kisses me. I feel a pair of lips on mine as my eyes close. I am uncertain for a second but then I think. Screw it. I love him. So I kiss him back. The entire world seems to disappear as Jack and I take each other to Wonderland. This isn't a heaven nor a hell. No school or home. No Elly or Bobby. I mean, who is Elly? For a second I can't remember, because Jack makes me forget. It is just us.

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