Out of The Blue - Part 2

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I drove for hours not really knowing where i was going, Chris had been blowing my phone up so i switched it off and tossed it into the glove box.
When i finally had to pull over for gas i realised i wasn't too far out from Chelsea's house, my subconscious must have made the decision to run to my best friend in my time of need and heartbreak. Walking into the gas station i grabbed a bottle of water before going up to the checkout.
"Miss?..... excuse me miss?" I looked up seeing the cashier waiting for me to answer her question.
"Sorry... what did you say?"
"Cash or card?"
"Erm, card please" i shook my head and fished my card out quickly handing it over.
"Is everything okay hon? You kinda spaced out there for a second" the older woman asked looking slightly concerned as she processed my payment.
"Tough day i guess" i mumbled shrugging my shoulder.
"Maybe you shouldn't be driving right now, there's a motel across the street" she pointed casually in the direction of the small motel i already passed.
"Thanks but i've only got like another hours drive. Im fine" i forced a small smile while putting my card back in my purse and taking the bottle of water.
"Have a nice day" i said quickly before turning and heading back to my car.

When Chelsea opened the door and saw me standing there, to say she looked surprised was an understatement.
"Y/N?.... what's wrong?" She asked wrapping her oversized cardigan around herself. I felt myself literally fall into her arms as i sobbed.
"Oh my god.... whats happened? Sweetie talk to me...." she asked holding me tighter as if trying to keep me together.
"He.... he's been seeing someone else!"
"What!?!" Her eyes went wide in shock, that was the last thing she was expecting to hear me say. Chris had always put me above anything, i was his world!.... or at least i used to be.
"He came home tonight and told me.... how could he do this to me Chels? I thought we were happy!"
"That sorry son of a bitch..... sshhh i got you now" she tried her best to sooth me as she led us into her living room and pulled me down to sit on the sofa with her.
"Did you tell him about the pregnancy?"
"That was my parting gift to him! god, Chels thats not how i imagined telling the man i love that we're finally having a baby. We were trying for so long...... i was so happy, i had planned a nice dinner....." i wiped tears from my face as I shook my head in disbelief "this just came of out of nowhere! He blindsided me with it..... we hadn't even been fighting or anything, he hadn't been distant.... i don't understand"
"I'll kill him, i swear to god...." Chelsea was saying as her husband Alex walked in.
"Chels, everything okay?" He asked before spotting me "Y/N, hey.... whats happened?"
"Babe can you give us a minute...."
"Its fine Chels, he deserves to know. I mean i did show up at your house unannounced at..." i looked at my watch and saw how late it was "shit! Its nearly midnight! Im so sorry you guys, i didn't realise how late it was...."
"Its not a problem at all. You're always welcome here" Alex smiled "but whats going on? Im worried now seeing you like this...."
"Chris just told me he's been cheating on me....." i said staring at a spot on the floor, i didn't want to see the pity on their faces.
"Are you fucking kidding me....!" Was Alex's reply, i just shook my head and chuckled sadly.
"Thats not even it..... i just found out I'm pregnant too. I was going to tell him tonight when he got home from work but turns out he had some news of his own"
"Y/N..... sweetheart I'm so sorry" Alex said dropping to his knees in front of me and pulling me into a hug. Alex was like a brother to me, we knew each other long before he got with Chelsea.
"We're here for you, for anything you need"
"Thanks Al, right now i just need to borrow you're spare bedroom"
"Its yours, as long as you need".

"We're here for you, for anything you need""Thanks Al, right now i just need to borrow you're spare bedroom" "Its yours, as long as you need"

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I woke up the next morning to childish whispers and laughing.
"wake her up!" I heard Nora whisper to her twin sister Mollie.
"No! Mom and dad said to let her sleep!"
"But i want her to wake up now!"
I cracked an eye open and was welcomed by huge smiles.
"Im awake"
"Auntie Y/N!" They said loudly and run over diving onto the bed with me. I pulled them both into a big hug planting kisses on their heads.
"I've missed you girls" i smiled, a real smile i might add! These girls never failed to cheer me up.
"My god you've gotten so big!"
"We're gonna be 6 soon!" Mollie replied holding up six of her little fingers.
"No way!!" I gasped making them both laugh.
"What did i tell you girls?" Chelsea appeared in the doorway crossing her arms over her chest.
"Its fine, i had to get up anyway".

While we were all sat having breakfast there was a knock at the front door, Alex got up and went to answer it as he was expecting a delivery. After a few quiet moments I heard an all the too familiar raised voice.
"I need to see her!"
Chris..... how the fuck did he know i was here?!

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