Out Of The Blue - Part 3

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Hearing Chris's voice i pushed back my chair and made my way to the front door.
"She's not here" i heard Alex say as i got closer.
"Come on man, its important...."
"Alex it's fine, i'll be okay" i spoke up. I saw Chris sigh with what looked like relief?... but it was quickly replaced with a look of regret, maybe a little fear. Good!
"I'll just be in there" he pointed back towards the dining room " if you need me...."
"I'll let you know" i smiled. Alex eyed Chris once more before reluctantly retreating.

"How'd you find me?" I asked crossing my arms, it was kinda like my protective barrier.... he hated when i did this.
"Um, you used your card for gas.... a notification came up on your iPad. I looked up the gas station and drove out there. I asked the cashier if she'd seen you...."
"Great" i rolled my eyes, making a mental note to turn off my notifications!
"She said she remembered you coming in because you looked exhausted and she tried to get you to stay in a motel. But that you told her you only had an hours journey... thats when i kinda figured this was where you were. I didn't think you'd come this far to be honest".
"Was kinda the point"
Chris nodded sadly realising that i came here because i knew he wouldn't think id drive all the way out to Chelsea's.
"I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but Y/N we need to talk about some stuff...."
"Not here, i don't want the kids hearing" i said stepping outside and walking across the street to where his car was parked.

Once we were both in the car i turned to face him trying to keep myself from crying, because my god that was all i wanted to do!
"So what do you wanna talk about.... how you cheated on me??"
"I made the biggest mistake of my life. Its over i promise you.... it was never serious, but what i was doing.... it should never had happened!!"
"You slept with someone else of course it shouldn't have happened!!" I shouted.
"I never slept with her!!"
"I never slept with her i promise!"
"But you said you've been seeing someone!"
Chris nodded running his hand over his bearded jaw "it wasn't about sex, we just connected on an emotional level....I didnt even realise it was a problem at first...."
he sighed "but i found myself seeking her out when i was having a bad day. When things got hard with us.... we'd been trying everything to get pregnant and it just wasn't happening"
"You confided in her??! About our relationship?..."
"I was stressed and i blamed myself..... i felt like i was letting you down. I felt us drifting apart...." he told me sadly "i don't even know when it happened. But i started spending a lot of time with her...."
"And less time with me. All while i was sitting waiting for you to come home like an idiot! I know it was hard trying to get pregnant Chris but thats no excuse for you doing this! You should have come to me!" I turned my head away to wipe away some stray tears that managed to escape.
"Please don't cry dahlin'...."
"How can i not??....."
"Tell me how i can make this right? I don't want to loose you...."
"Im not sure you can. Chris do you have any idea how this makes me feel?? I feel like I'm not enough for you..."
"You are! I promise you, you are enough..."
"Clearly im not or we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"So thats it? You're just gonna give up on us?"
"I wasn't the one who gave up on us. My god Chris, i would've done anything for you..... you were my world!"
"And now?....."
"Right now i can't even stand looking at you" i said sadly "my heart is in pieces..... i still can't wrap my head around the fact you did this. Its so out of the blue..... i thought we were happy" I cried into the sleeve of my jumper "i was so excited to tell you i was finally pregnant...... this baby couldn't have happened at a worser time. This should be one of the happiest days of my life but its been anything but happy".
"Will you just come home, please? We can sort this out...."
"I can't. I think we need some time apart"
"No..." he cried, tears running down his face "baby please don't leave me...."
"Go home Chris" i said quickly as i opened the door and stepped out.... i was in such a rush to get away from him that i didn't see the SUV coming towards me.
"Y/N!!!!" Was the last thing i heard before everything went black.

"Y/N!!!!" Was the last thing i heard before everything went black

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"Y/N!.... Y/N wake up....." i could hear Chris' voice as i slowly opened my eyes.
"Yeah baby its me, you were dreaming" he said quietly as his hand stroked up and down my back. It was then that i realised i was laying in bed with Chris' arms around me.
It had all been a dream??!
I suddenly burst into tears, sobbing into Chris' bare chest.
"Hey.... hey whats wrong?" He asked tightening his hold on me "is it your dream?"
I nodded as i continued to cry "it was h..horrible! It felt so real...."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"No. Chris let go of me.... i think I'm gonna be sick...." i pulled out of his arms and ran to the en suite. I made it just in time before i spilled my guts into the toilet.

Once the sickness passed i headed downstairs telling Chris i needed a minute to myself. I knew it was a dream... he hadn't actually done anything wrong, but i was pissed at Chris and felt ridiculous! I was sitting on the sofa under a blanket holding a warm mug of Chamomile tea when he came walking in. He hovered in the doorway for a minute before finally coming to sit next to me on the sofa.
"Look i'm not sure what i did to piss you off but will you come back to bed please? You know i hate sleeping without you"
"You haven't done anything wrong" i reached out and took his hand "that dream just really shook me up"
"Talk to me.... you might feel better if you talk about it"
"I... i found out i was pregnant...."
"Dahlin, its gonna happen i promise...." he quickly added thinking that was the reason i was so upset, because that part of my dream was real.... we'd been trying to get pregnant for so long now but it just wouldn't take.
"Thats not what got to me..... i found out i was pregnant but before i got to tell you, you came home from work and told me you had been seeing someone else. It felt so real...."
"Sweetheart....." Chris looked at me sadly tightening his hold on my hand "it was just a dream. I would never do that to you.... you're my world. Id be lost without you"
"It was horrible Chris! It felt so real! I left and went to Chelsea' but you tracked me down..... we were arguing in your car one minute, the next I'm getting out to leave and i got hit by a car! then i woke up...."
"I know it felt real, but its not. Im not going anywhere, you're stuck with me"
He pulled me in and pressed a tender kiss to my lips "i love you".
"I love you too".
"Sweetheart?.... are you crying again?"
"Yes!" I cried loudly, my god i was a mess! Chris chuckled softly.
"You're not still pissed at me because of your dream are you?"
"No! Im just very emotional!"
"Okay don't get mad at me but, are you sure you're not pregnant?".
I sat up straight on the sofa and stopped crying long enough to think about when i had my last period.
"Oh my god.... i'm late" i gasped, I was never late! "Do you think this is really it?"
"I hope so dahlin!" Chris replied with a huge smile.

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