Going Out || Chapter 1

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Amaterasu is sitting on her bed brushing her hair when she hears her door start opening. She quickly looked over and saw her big brother Illumi walking in. 

"Illumi-nii-chan!". She smiled and ran over hugging her brother. 

He gave her a soft sweet smile and said that they'd be going out for a little bit and then coming back home. 

"Where are we going though nii-chan" Amaterasu asked. 

"We'll be taking the hunter exam." Illumi said in response. 

Ama jumped in joy realizing that she finally gets to leave the house. 


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"When can we leave Nii-Chan?" Ama asked with sparkles in her eyes. 

"We can leave right now actually" Illumi replied with a soft smile on his face. 

"Yay! Let's go Nii-Chan!" Ama said while hugging Illumi. 

"Yes, yes. Alright. I'll carry you there so we can get there faster" Illumi said. 

Illumi put his pins in and transformed into a person that reminded Ama of a robot. 

Over the course of the next two days, the two had walked to each destination needed to access the exam site. Amaterasu slept for most of the trip so she would have tons of energy while taking the exam. She knew that the exams could last for more than 2 weeks so she wanted to be well prepared. 


Illumi and Amaterasu had arrived on the third day right as the sun was rising. As both were entering the site, a small green man walked up to them holding badges. His appearance was like a bean. Green, small, and a bean. He handed Illumi and Amaterasu their badges. Illumis read out as 301 and Ama's readout as 302. 

"Thank you Mr. Bean man!" Ama said smiling at the small green bean-like creature. He stared at her for a split second and smiled. 

About 3 hours had passed. The entry period had finally ended. The first phase examiner was standing on the other side of the wall that had just lifted. 

"I apologize for the delay. Thank you for waiting. The entry period for hunter applicants is officially closed. So with no further ado, the hunter exam will now begin." A man with lavanderish hair stated. Everyone smirked and prepared. 

"One final word of caution. If you are short on luck or ability, keep in mind that's there's a very real chance you could end up seriously injured. Death is another distinct probability. If you're willing to accept the risks involved, I'll ask you to follow me now. But, for the rest of you, kindly exit through the elevator located behind you." Everyone stood in silence.

Amaterasu looked around thinking at least a few people would leave but she wasn't shocked. 

"Right then. Very well. All 404 applicants now participate in phase 1." the man said. 

He turned around and started walking. Amaterasu held her brother's hand so she wouldn't get separated from him in the crowd. 

"Now, Ama. While we are here, you can not call me by my name unless it is just us and that creepy clown you met earlier. Understood?" Ilumi stated to Amaterasu. 

"Of course Nii-Chan!" Amaterasu said with a closed-eye smile. 

Illumi looked at her and had a soft look on his face for a split second and then was snapped out of it when people started jogging. 

"Let's go Amaterasu, we might have to start running soon so I'd like us to be near the front," Illumi said. 

"Okay!" Ama said in response. They both quickly walked to the near front and did a slow jog to stay up there for as long as possible.

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