Trick Tower || Chapter 6

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First Person

I woke up outside on the floor. I sat up and looked for Illumi but I couldn't find him. I couldn't find anyone really. 

'I guess this is phase 3?' I asked myself. 

'Maybe I have to find a way down...'. I looked around trying to find a latter on one of the sides or a rope at least. 

"Nothing huh? Then how did everyone disappear" I said to myself out loud. As I walked towards the middle, I fell through the floor. Waiting for an impact to come, and it did. 

"ow..." I said. 

"Hello darling Ama" Hisoka said smirking. 

"Disgusting. Please tell me that we can get down now" I said to Hisoka. 

"Ah, yes. This path said it requires two people, and here you are. The second person." Hisoka said to me. I sighed in relief before realizing... 


'I wanna die right now...' I said to myself. 

"Here you are Ama~" Hisoka said as he tossed me a knife and a holder for it. I attached it to my leg so I didn't have to hold it until needed. I really don't like sharp objects or anything in the category that fits weapons to be honest. 

A door opened and Hisoka and I walked in. 

"Welcome! You have chosen the path "Traps for all or just one"." a voice rang through the hall. 

"Traps for all or just one?" I asked myself out loud. 

"Guess we'll have to be careful hm.." Hisoka said placing his finger on his chin. 

"Hey, random voice. Explain this path more." I said. 

"In this path, you will keep walking and you will try to avoid traps that have been placed. Each trap has a different length for the opening. Small openings are only for one and the larger openings are for both of you." the voice said. 

"I see... We have to get to the bottom without activating a trap" I said thinking out loud. 

"Close but not exactly" the voice said. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned. 

"I mean, the traps just take you to different paths. You won't die if you activate them, unless you end up with a trap placed high above the path below." the voice rang. 

"Good luck and try to stay alive" the voice said.

While walking, Hisoka accidentally stepped on a stone but didn't fall through thanks to his bungee gum. I secretly laughed at him and we kept walking. 

A few hours have passed and I'm starting to get bored. 

"UGHHHHHHH I'M SO BORED" I said loudly. Hisoka looked at me with a smirk.

"Why don't you try to get a trap then~? hmmm" I looked at him like he's crazy. Well, he is. 

"Are you stupid? I could die if I step on one". I said glaring at Hisoka. 

"Hmm. It was just an idea Ama~". I wanted to gag when he said my name like that. 

Hisoka and I kept walking for another hour or so and that's when it happened. I finally stepped on a stone. 

"AH" I quickly grabbed onto the rim of the stone so I wouldn't fall through. 

"HISOKA HELP ME WOULD YA?" I said panicked. 

"My oh my~, little Ama is having trouble hm. What would happen if I made you get up yourself?" Hisoka slyly said. 

"YOU JERK. I'M GONNA DIE. LOOK AT THE HEIGHT OF THE FALL. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THIS LEADS TO. HELP ME HISOKA" I screamed. I felt the tears starting to come to me. I'm not as badass as my family. I wasn't trained to go through all of this. I was only taught nen. I could easily die from this height. 

"Hm, well. I'll see you at the bottom. I know you'll survive~" Hisoka said and then walked away.

Words; 658

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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