Untitled part

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Nobody's p.o.v

Error was making another puppet in the anti-void. He was interrupted when that fish(fritz/fear) teleported there, "help!!" he yelled. Error was a bit startled from the sudden appearance, but then asked "WhAt" "DEATH IS APPROACHING" he said. Error was confused " wHaT dO yOu MeAn?" Fritz responded with "REAPER IS GOING TO KILL ME!!" "StOp BeInG sO dRaMaTiC" "I'M NOT BEING DRAMATIC HE IS GOING TO LEGIT KILL ME HELP" *reaper teleports in* "what's all the fuss about?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "MY NON-EXISTENT EARS" "okay so how do the readers know who's talking anymore?" reaper asked "oh okay, that. Do that." reaper continued "ThErE's A rIp In ThE fOuRtH wAlL" error stated. *Emmare desperately tries to fix the fourth wall* *reaper lagged out of the story* *ink replaces reaper* "FrItZ wHy DiD yOu EvEn CoMe HeRe?" error asked "oh nevermind" fritz said. 

~tem skip~

it was getting late so Ink decided to go home.

Error's p.o.v

today was weird, but there definitely are weirder. Like the time when I swapped bodies with Alice angel-STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT! I decided to stitch up some of my puppets, because errors don't need sleep. I was getting tired though, like wtf how?! I slowly drifted off to sleep in the middle of the anti-void, this was bad like real bad. 

Ink's p.o.v 

I lay in my bed wondering why Emmare decided to write an actual story in this, then got interrupted when blue broke the door down like Alice angel and handed me tacos. "WHAT THE HECK BLUE?!" I yelled "sorry...NOT!" blue said. I sighed and ate one of the tacos then passed out? Everything went black and the last thing I saw was blue smiling, that jerk he probably did this on purpose!

Blue's p.o.v

"ughhhh...what happened?" I look up to see someone that looks exactly like me! "what do you want..." "for you to die" they responded. I shook in fear, then I saw them open a portal. I saw a bone-chilling grin on their face before they left and then said "remember tell no-one" I saw it was a portal to me and the rest of the star sanses house! I tried to follow but the portal closed right before I could run through.

Dream's p.o.v

I see blue come back from a rather sketchy area, but decided not to say anything. I swear I saw... two Blues? I go to Ink's room to check on him, then see him passed out cold on the floor! I carry Ink over to sci and asked what happened to him "Ink probably was poisoned" Sci said, in a worried tone. I know I'm worrying to much, but I just care for him alright! I don't want him getting hurt.


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