Chapter two

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All I could see was darkness. The burlap sack smelled of grains and rainwater. The mysterious man kept dragging me at a swift pace through the forest like he knew just where he was going.

Finally we stopped somewhere and I could tell that we were now standing on stone path of sorts. I could hear shushed conversations and the shuffling of feet. Suddenly the burlap sack was pulled off my head and I tried to put my hands over my eyes to block the light out. When I say tried I mean that I pulled up my hands to realize they were tied behind my back.

I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was standing in the middle of a stone circle. The stone was slightly cracked and had moss in places. There were odd looking people all around the edge whispering to one another and staring at me. Then I looked directly ahead. There was a silver throne like structure perched on an elevated piece of stone. Sat atop the throne was a woman with a crown of flowers and vines placed on her head. She wore an elegant beach colored dress and wore multiple silver rings on her long and dainty fingers.

The lady on the throne made eye contact with me and gave me a soft smile. She turned to the man who was roughly gripping my shoulder. " Blaize what is this young man doing here??" She asked him. "I found him sitting next to the crystal pond"this man named Blaize responded. The lady on the throne turned to me and asked me my name. I stuttered out my name and added that I use they/them pronouns. They were confused so I explained what I meant. I was then asked why I was in the forest when I shouldn't be. I explained to them that people shoved me in and I couldn't get out at all. The lady then said that she wanted Blaize and I to come with her.

The lady who I now knew was the queen led us into a sunlit room and motioned for us to stand in front of the large mahogany desk. I was asked many questions which I answered truthfully and was told about the place I was in. The odd people were elves and Blaize had been on patrol when he spotted me and thought I was a threat. Where we were was the city of elves which was just outside my little town. As far as I could see it was beautiful. They were very in touch with nature and added it into their daily lives.

After a long while of standing there Blaize led me to a building and led me to a room. The room was very nice with two beds and two dressers. It had plants in little pots hanging from the ceiling by thin ropes. There were candles that were hanging in a cluster at the center of the room presumably for when it got dark. Now that I realized it it was quite dark. Blaize grabbed some matches and lit the candles. He then sat down on the bed closest to the door and looked at me for a long while.

He was looking at me curiously when I broke the silence by asking if he could untie my wrists. He nodded and walked over to me. He pulled out a knife and brought it near my hands. I instinctively pulled my hands away which caused him to nick my wrist. I winced as I felt the blood trickle down my arm. He grabbed my arms roughly and sternly told me that if I had stayed still I would be fine. After a little bit of him working on the rope he got it off and cleaned my cut.

After ten minutes of sitting in silence I decided to ask the big question. "Who are you" I asked.
" I am Blaize Arnol. I am sixteen and I am a hunter and patrol man around here". I looked at him curiously while eyeing his ears. He looked at where my eyes were going and calmly said "I'm an elf".

We sat in silence again for a while. He really wasn't one to talk. Finally he said something. "You will be staying in this room with me. I have been given orders to keep an eye on you so you don't do anything too sketchy." I nodded hesitantly. Blaize got up and blew out the candles and got in his bed. I just sat there confused. He looked at me and asked " aren't you going to go to bed?". That's when I realized how exhausted I really was. I lied down in the bed and slipped under the covers soon drifting off to sleep.

Author's note:
Okay this is chapter two. I want to know if all of you are enjoying this book because I'm enjoying writing it! Have a wonderful day!

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