Siren song

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The moon was bright, it was the first day of summer and the streets were clear. Kirishima walked alone on the beach. The waves pushed and pulled sand and sometimes small shells.

Bakugou sat on a rock beside the water. He sang alone cause tonight was the anniversary of someone special he had lost.

Kirishima spotted Bakugou and started getting closer. The closer he got the more he could hear singing. It was very feminine but the person on the rock appeared to be a male.

(Bold is Bakugou singing.)

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully

Kirishima stopped and hid behind a rock when he realized that the man was in fact a siren.

At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

He watched attentively and stared at the long tail that rested on the rock and partially in the water.

Sailors live so restlessly
Come with me, sleep peacefully
Listen to this siren's song

Bakugou had realized he was being watched and started turning around.

Worry not for nothing's wrong
Let my voice lead you this way
I will not lead you astray
Trust me as we reach the side

Bakugou stared at Kirishima and held out a hand. There red eyes locked and Kirishima stood up.

Jumping out where men have died
Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully

Kirishima started moving forward. And reached out for Bakugous hand.

At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

He snapped out of the enchantment and stood still watching Bakugou.

Let the ocean fill your lungs
Struggle not, soon peace will come
Taking in your final breath
Sink down to the ocean's depths

Bakugou turned back towards the ocean and slowly sank into the water again.

"I wish I could always be
In the ocean's arms, you see"

Bakugou was starting to sound more aggravated and mad. So Kirishima sat in front of Bakugou.

He who'd wanted nothing more
Sleeps now at the ocean floor

"Hello. Im Kirishima." Bakugou die Not listen and just watched Kirishima try and get closer to him

Ocean was your lover's name
You had loved her all the same
Now you'll always be together
Sirens are so very clever

Bakugou pointed at Kirishima and then the sea and shook his head.

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Bakugou dove back down into the water leaving Kirishima soaking wet and confused.

Bakugou and Kirishima returned to the beach every night for the next week before, Kirishima stopped showing up. He had a job and if he didn't show up he would end up be fired.

Bakugou started missing Kirishima's company, but he couldn't admit that to anyone. And if anyone found out the Kirishima was talking with a siren he would most likely get caught and stuffed in a tank for entertainment.

Bottom of the sea. (Kiribaku)Where stories live. Discover now