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Momo and Kirishima sat in the hospital room with Bakugou strapped down to a bed submerged in water. The bright lights reflected off his scales which created a mural of greens, black, yellows, reds, and oranges. If they hadn't seen the slow rise and fall of his chest they would have assumed he was dead. 

Ashido, stuck in the tank by herself, was so worried that she was ripping scales off her arms. They floated to the surface and every so often she would either collect them or wait for one of the guards to fish out her scales. She would always re-use her shed scales for jewelry or decorations at home, but now all she could do was store them in a small sand pocket.  

Bakugou could feel that he was somewhere new, but he couldn't get up. His eyes wouldn't open. He had no control. However he could hear everything that was happening. Kirishima was beside him, that black haired chick was with him, the other black haired guy was even closer to him and touching his fins. It was an odd feeling, the human skin was always strange to him. It was smooth, yet had rough patches depending on the person. The hair on there arms and legs also confused him, it would spike up when they got cold, but otherwise it was flat to the skin. 

When he finally woke up Kirishima was sleeping beside him and the others were gone. His first thought was to put a hand in kirishima's hair, so he did. He brushed the hair and massaged his scalp. His eyes slowly opened, and stared back at the siren infront of him. 

"Bakugou. Glad to see your awake." 

Bakugou nodded but stayed silent and continued brushing the red hair.

"Did we scare you, I'm sorry if we did. I didn't mean to tell everyone about you. It just came out one night when i was ranting to Sero, he told the other, and they made the plan to look for you guys. They didn't tell me they would kidnap you. I promise i had no idea what would happen. But I will get you out of here."

"Kirishima, shut up."

"Right, sorry"

Bakugou let out an annoyed grunt and rolled his eyes before removing his hand from the red hair and instead holdings their hands together. 

"It's fine, calm down."

A blush crept up Kirishima's face and he let out a nervous laugh.

"Ahaha, you can uh, let go of my hands. I'm not nervous or anything, it's manly to hold bro's hands, but you know its just i don't need comforting."

"Geez, there you go with your rants. Your starting to sound like my sister when she finds a new hobby."


"Stop apologizing."

Uncomfortable silence ingulfed them, and Bakugou took his hands away and fully submerged himself in the water. A slow melody of a song came from the water, and Bakugou sang along. Kirishima just sat and listened. The slow song sent Kirishima back to sleep, and Bakugou not wanting to wake him stopped and gave him a quick kiss. 

Ashido got closer to a single human at the facility. Sero was his name, he had black straight hair, with a weird looking smile. He was kind and had a special sense of humour that she couldn't exactly understand but wanted to know more about. She wasn't nearly as knowledgeable when it came to human language, but she knew enough to hold a small conversation.

"So your Ashido?"

"Yes, and you are Sero the two legged!" She gave an excited twirl, now that they were finally talking she could learn more about humans with her brother getting annoyed. 

"Right. I need to take you to your appointment now."

Ashido have a puzzled look, " What is that?"

He kneeled beside her and scooped her up in his arms, right out of the water. "The doctors are going to check you for any type of disease."

"Not sick though."

Sero sighed and looked at her. "It's just a precaution."

"You say to many long words."

Sero chuckled and pushed a door open. "Yeah, sorry about that."

Her appointment lasted a few hours, shorter then Bakugous, but still long enough for her to fall asleep. When she did eventually wake up she was back with her brother in the tank again. And even though they both had recently slept, they went back to sleep cuddled together in a small sand pocket. It wasn't as comfy as the sea foam and sea weed they used to make a softer cushion back home, but it was all they could do to sleep peacefully. All the while they slept Kirishima, Sero, and Yaoyorozu were watching them. 

"Are we sure this is ok to do, I mean it's an invasion of privacy." Kirishima, ever so gentle and kind, had asked. 

Yaoyorozu in return had glared at him "Kirishima, they are asleep and we need to watch and make sure they are physically ok after their surgery and all the poking and needles we gave to them."

"Let's just sit down and relax, I mean we don't want to be standing all night right?" Sero had butted in before Kirishima could answer Yaoyorozu. 

They did eventually sit down and play some card games, sometimes looking over to make sure that nothing has changed with Bakugou or Mina. After about several hours of playing many different ways of poker, they all fell asleep and Bakugou woke up. He had felt them staring when he was sleeping. So being petty he decided to stare right back, and with almost all the lights off he would look very creepy with just his eyes and part of his face showing through the water. 

"The humans don't look to awful when their sleeping, right Katsuki." Ashido had woken when Bakugou moved away from her

"GEEZ! Don't scare me like that Ashido. And, no, they still look awful." Katsuki looked at her with his typical scowl. 

"Wow ok, sorry for disturbing you mister grumpy fins." Ashido mocked him

Katsuki glared at her even more "Don't be an idiot Ashido. If you let them fool you with their weird life you'll die."

"Ugh, says you. The fish literally in love with a human." She rolled her eyes and went back to there sleeping spot. 

Katsuki blushed and threw a pile of sand at her "FUCK YOU." He swam off and made a separate sand pit to sleep in, take what little pieces of sea weed he could find and covering himself. 

Ashido snickered while watching him try and  get comfy and trying to hide. By the end of his little fit they were back in their original spot and sleeping curled up together. 

I'm so sorry for not posting in like a year! But I hope This was ok. Please tell me about any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. 

Have a good day/night! 

(I'll try and post more often now)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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