Chapter 10-First Song

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7 years later.................

Hailey: 22
Night: 16
Star: 16
Bluescreen: 15
Bonnie: 14
Hinto: 14
Colgar: 14
Sprinkle: 13
Fury: 13
Paperjam: 17
Gradient: 15
Lux: 11
Starcross: 9
Hope: 3

{I'm sort of proud of myself. I got all their names by memory.}

Night's POV:

It's been 7 long years since my mother's death. In that amount of time we had morned his death and also found a usb with a montage of everything he's been through and evidence to everything.

Once Dad hooked it up to his computer it was everywhere. Our phones, tablets, TV's, ect. All over the multiverse. We had no idea how Mommy did that, but now no one trusts Honey and Ink out him in a psych ward for the criminally insane.

I've been planning something for months-no years now! I'm going to bring my mother back. I have the power to do so and I've been practicing since 10 on my own.

I'm doing it alone because I don't want anyone to stop me. Also the way I do it isn't exactly 'the right way' to do it. I've been mostly either killing things or finding this that are already dead. Which is kinda hard to find things already dead as I cannot bring back something that wasn't originally bones/a skeleton yet.

I've had some help from Star when it comes to killing things. He doesn't really mind killing things so he helps when he has time or when I ask.

Currently I'm working on bringing dust back to life. It was a skeletal cat Hinto killed on accident about 2 months ago. He lived this cat so I'm trying my hardest to bring it back for him.

I hear something to my left and turn my head. I see nothing and turn my head back to the task at hand to see the cat sitting up and rub it's head on my hand. I smile. I did it! I actually did it! Now to get them back to Hinto.

I grab the cat and swiftly sprint bacm to the house. I see Hope, the triplets, Bluescreen and his hUsBaNd outside of our 'kid house' that Dad Nightmare made for us. I ran up to them.

Hope is a kid that Papa and Daddy adopted about a year ago.


Hi: *turns around confused* What did you do Nighty?

Bl: What do you have in your arms?

Ni: *uncovers the cat* I brought it back for you!

Hi: *gasps* FLUFFY!! Thank you Nighty!

Ni: Your welcome. Now I have to go! I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me. If anyone asks, tell them that I'm okay and tell dad's that I'm sorry! Bye!!

Triplets,Bl&G: BYE NIGHT!! BE SAFE!!

Which that note I ran off towards the house. Oh, I also discovered a new power of mine. I have invisibility. That's how I sneak around most of the time. I turn invisible and dash to Dad's room to grab Mom's dust. I left a note saying sorry and rush into the woods to get to work.

Ni: Now finally after 6 in a half loooooong years. I can bring my mother back. I hope the makes Papa and Daddy happy.

I began by pouring out Mom's dust on the ground and got to work. I put my hands over the dust and began to concentrate. It was quite easy to concentrate with it being very quiet and still.

2 weeks later. 9:32 p.m.

OMG THIS IS GETTING NOWHERE!! I can't do it. I don't know how I did it last time, but it seems I can't do it again. It's been weeks. I stop to take a rest. I fell asleep around then and when I woke up it was dark.

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