Chapter 4

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Hey guys sorry for not posting in like......FOREVER......but with much support, starting to get my grades together, and some inspiration from a few stories I've read. Here's Chapter 4.

No ones POV:
So as the kids started chanting holding Nightmare's hands. Blue and Dream were just floating in midair. Everyone else was just staring in awe.

Then suddenly............

Dream and Blue............

GREW WINGS.......?!

Horror's POV:
Dream and Blue like actually FUCKING GREW WINGS. Like they actually grew wings. I've never seen this form. Its beautiful.

I noticed it was too quiet in here as I remember the kids were chanting. I look over to see that they were gone, I almost started to panic when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was Blue. The way he looked at me reassured me that they were okay. He let go of me went back to Dream was waiting patiently for Blue.

(Literally just talking for while so No Ones POV....?)

???: Hello everyone. We are.......well. This is Dreamy and he is from a different multiverse. While I..........cannot tell you for it will be pernicious, but when I leave. I will give one of you the answer of where I come from, but promise. Whoever I tell please do not tell. For I will know if you do. Also for whoever likes Blue shall not be angry at him the way I tell this person if it is not you.

Rasp: Who will you choose? How will it be done?

???: That will be when we leave and for that will be also when we leave.

Horror: How long will you be here?

Dreamy: Not for long hopefully. We are here just to figure out what the kids need is for.

???: Oui, aussi, quelque chose ne va pas avec Blue. Je dois comprendre cela. (Yes, also, something is wrong with Blue. I have to figure that out.)

Dreamy: Oh non, est-ce quelque chose de mauvais?! (Oh no, is it something bad?!)

???: Non. Je suis sûr que ce n'est rien de mal. (No. I'm sure it is nothing bad)

???: Anyway. *look down and to the right* Now Star and Night. Why did you have your mother call me?

Star: Well. Mama while was crying.

Night: We felt Mama's tum-

???: Proper boys. You know the rules.

Both: Yes sir.

Night: Also, Mama has been getting sick.

Star: Yes, he has been throwing up.

Both: Once he had a really high fever for a week in a half. Will you help our Mama?

???: Yes, I'll help Blue. Thank you for telling me. *looks at Dreamy* you may go now, but please lay down. I do not want him to fall.

Dreamy: *mockingly* Yes your Grace.

???: Hey *laughs* that's for you. Not me.

Dreamy: *laughs* Mhm. Whatever. *lays down and turn back into dream as he sleeps*

???: Alright boys. To ahead and lay down as well. What you did took a lot of energy.

They lay down and fall asleep next to Dream. ??? Closes his eyes and figures out What wrong and smiles, but it falters as he remembers something. He opens his eyes and puts his 'thinking' face on. He then looks up, spreads his wings and flaps them for everyone to fall back.

Everyone except.........

{HA. Y'all thought I was gonna tell y'all. Nope, not this Chapter. In the next one though. Bai}

{JK JK. Anyway on with the Chapter.}


Really no one expected Killer to be chosen, but a promise is a promise. ??? told Killer come to him. To which he complied and came forward.

Killer was just about 3 feet in front of him when he told him 'not to freak out and just accept it please'. Killer, although confused, complied.

??? was shorter than Killer. To be Blue's natural height to which he is the shortest sans minus littletale and handplates as they are children.

??? sighed and pulled Killer into a kiss that quickly turned into a make out session. Horror, Nightmare and Dust were angry at the fact, but calmed down remembering what ??? said.

After several minutes ??? pulled back and turned back into Blue who tell. Although luckily (or unluckily) Killer was holding him by the waist so he didn't actually fall, just went limp.

Killer picked him up and placed him in bed with the kids and Dream. He thought to himself, damn he can kiss really good, I wonder can Blue kiss like that too, but I can't believe were he is from.

Everyone else was either shocked, mad, or just straight up dumbfounded. Just thinking, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEN?

{Words: 765.}
Welcome to the end of Chapter 4. Sorry for taking so long, but ya gurl for her phone taken to get them grades up. I haven slept much lately. The most is about 4 hours, but nothing I can't handle. I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A "SPLENDIFEROUS" DAY! BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
(P.S. I used google translate for the French please don't come at me saying this was wrong. I just went off of google translate T-T)

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