Snow and Rain

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Back when the world was created, a mystical woman was born. Her skin was a cold blue, shimmering against the light. It was slightly transparent as if her body was made with water. This woman's name is Lunaescence. She lived in the sky because she couldn't survive on Earth. Her lungs cannot take in so much air; the higher the altitude, the easier she can breathe. The people of Earth knew about her, leaving gifts at her tower and yelling out praise. Their praises bring tears of joy to her eyes, falling and watering the world beneath her. Her clouds keep her comfortable, the rivers floating around her. She is motherly and is known as the Caregiver of the Sky. When humans forget about her, she gains tears of depression and they fall heavily, causing floods and heavy rainfalls. Her sobs cause the wind to pick up and tsunamis occur. When the Sun, known as Sol, moves Earth in its rotation, her body grows cold and her tears freeze as they fall. The humans call her frozen tears snowflakes. Sol ruled the world and everyone had to listen to him, even Lunaescence. Sol may even dry her tears with his powerful flames, causing drought to occur on Earth.

One day, humans started to climb her tower in order to speak to her. For advice, support, and knowledge. A man named Wymand Warwicke climbed her tower, standing at the top, and yelled out, "Mother Lunaescence! I ask for advice!" The Caregiver of the Sky rushed to her tower, leaning down and looking at her precious child. The humans weren't her children, but she thought of them as her children and treated them as so.

"My poor child, what advice do you seek? I shall provide an answer to the best of my knowledge," Lunaescence spoke, her breath blowing the clouds away and clearing the skies around her tower. Wymand takes a breath to then yell out.

"Why have the beasts of the forest attacked us? They have eaten our food and they have taken our children! We fear the worst has yet to come as one person dies each day that we don't bring food to their king! What should we do, Lunaescence?" he explained, worry in his voice. Lunaescence could not do anything about what they were going through. They would have to go to the Forest Giant. She was the Sky Giant and she was confined to the sky. If she tried to go to the Earth, she would suffocate and die, flooding the lands with her corpse.

Lunaescence breathed in through her nose, "I cannot help you, Wymand. I belong in the skies. I can tell you that the Forest Giant, Malvantas, can assist you. She controls the beasts of the forests," she held up three fingers, "Bring these three things to Malvantas: a basket of blackberries, a red scarf, and a jar of fresh honey. Take those things and go to the entry of the forest. Malvantas shall reveal herself to you and take your gifts. You can request one thing from her and she shall fulfill that request. But do be careful of Malvantas, she is known to take your worded requests extremely seriously."

Wymand paid close attention, thanking Lunaescence and leaving behind a basket of bread. She took the basket and consumed the bread, accepting the gift from her child. She laid on her bed of clouds, going to sleep. She hopes that Malvantas will help humans out. 

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