The Watchful

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I take a lot of time, thinking about life and things that cannot be explained. I tried to find an explanation, a reason, anything about the creature that lurks behind my door. It was a dark being, something hiding during the day and coming out in the night. It lurked out from the shadows, crawling on all fours. Sometimes I wondered why it was crawling towards me. I wondered what it would do to me as I waited for it to reach my bed. But it did nothing but stare at me, its unfocused eyes staring deep into my soul. I stared back sometimes, but I turned away, hoping it wouldn't do anything. By the time the sun rose from the horizon, it had retreated back into behind my door.

A way I tried to fight the creature was leaving a nightlight in the socket near the door. When I went to bed that night, I looked back to check. But to no avail, the creature was watching me once again. I wasn't surprised when I tried other ways: blocking the area behind the door, sleeping with the lights on, and putting a cross and burning sage. Nothing worked. It was still there, kneeling at my bed and staring at me. After a few months, I stopped noticing that it was there. I've wondered why this creature would choose me. I never asked my family if they knew about it; I was afraid of what they'd think.

After knowing the creature, of knowing of its presence for two years, it disappeared. I couldn't sleep without it watching me and I kept watching the door, waiting. But it never came back. I was devastated and once I graduated from high school the next week, I tried to forget about it. I went on with my life, focusing on college, ultimately forgetting about the creature who watched over me.

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