What is Bullying? How Does it Affect You?

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Bullying is not Physical, it is verbal too. It is one of those things that you think will never happen to you. You see and hear about it happening to others but think it will not happen to you. I was that person who thought it wouldn't happen to me until it did. It changed how I looked at bullying because nobody believed me because my bullying was not physical, it was verbal. I thought I was alone in my struggle against my bullies. Bullying can make you do things that you thought you would never do. It can make you turn to drugs to numb the pain but even that is only temporary. You still feel the pain when the drugs wear off. Even years after the bullying is over, you still feel the pain inflicted by your bullies. You just fight through it and remember that there are people that care about you. You need to stay strong and know that the pain will slowly fade and leave you stronger than you were before.

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