Best Friend

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Sophomore year, I met my best Friend. She was a Freshman. We found that we both loved Fast and Furious and we bonded over that, we had our ups and down like all best friends do but we worked through it and it made us stronger. I told her about me being bullied and she believed me and I was happy that I had someone by my side who believed me and was also my friend.

As the years went by we got closer, after I graduated high school we lost touch but my second year of college we met again. Turns out we both went to the same community college. We formed our friendship again and were just as close as we were my senior year. I also made another friend my Freshman year of college. Him and I had a class together and we became friends. Him and I have since lost touch but I am still best friends with the girl from High school. I am not going to name her in case she doesn't want her name out there but she was a life saver. I never told her but I don't think I would have made it without her. She gave me hope again and the more we grow as friends the less the pain from the bullying is there.

Now that I am in my 20s, I still feel that pain occasionally but now I see that I am stronger because of what I went through. All the bullying and the people telling me I was not bullied have made me stronger. I now like to say I am Bulletproof. All the bullying I experienced had made me bullet proof. Not much along the lines of people messing with me bothers me anymore. I know now that it doesn't matter what other people say or think about me all that matters is what me and those I am close to think of me. I never once thought negative thoughts once I met my best friend, there were times before that but I would always tell myself it would get better and it did.

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