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For a while everything was normal, I loved going to school. I wasn't popular but I had a few friends and I was happy with that. I was always so excited to go to school and learn and see all my friends everyday. I would always be upset when I would be sick and couldn't go to school. Then when I could go back I was so happy that I would get to school early just to see all my friends.

I don't remember much about my childhood but I know it was all fairly normal. I was happy in school and I thought my life was perfect. I never once thought I would be bullied. I thought it was just something that happened to other people and I was safe from it. I was so naive to believe that. Everything was fine throughout most of elementary school, I went to a catholic school and I thought bullying didn't happen in catholic schools but I was wrong. It was all fine up until the middle of fourth grade. I switched schools in the middle of the school year and that is when my life changed and not for the better. I thought everything would be normal and I would make so many friends, oh how wrong I was to believe that.

When I first started there it was fine, then a week or so after my first day the bullying started. It started as just kids giving me dirty looks. That was fine it didn't bother but then they started taunting me and making fun of me. That started to bother me but I ignored it just thinking they didn't know much about me yet and it would be better the next year and it was somewhat better. Nobody really talked to me but I was ok with that, it was better then them bulling me. They were all actually pretty nice to me. I came in one day crying cause my hamster was really sick and I was worried about her dying while I was in school, they all asked if I was ok and tried to make me feel better. Now that I look back I wasn't really bullied that year because my bullies were all in the other 5th grade class.

That was the last year of my life that was normal. The next year started it all, it started my own personal hell.

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