Chapter 1

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Eva's POV

"I'm going to miss you, Eva" Emma said as she hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Don't be so dramatic Em, you're going to be there with me soon, I'm just going early" I said as I pulled back from the hug. She pouted.

"Then stay back with me, we both can go together~" Emma whined. I sighed.

"Em, they want me to join as soon as possible, you know that," I said. She continued pouting.

"I'm sure that man-baby of a Mafia boss can handle himself without your protection for a few more days" she reasoned. I just gave her an unfazed look.

"Fine!" She huffed and plopped on her bed. "Poor me, I'll be so lonely, and die of boredom! Is there someone out there who can care for this poor soul?! Anyone?!" She cried dramatically, placing the back of her hand on her forehead and stretching the other hand away from her side. I chuckled and sat beside her on the bed.

"You're so cute! No one would believe that you're in the mafia" I said chuckling.

"That's the point babe" she smirked chuckling.

"I love you so much," I said hugging her.

"I love you too, take care of yourself okay?" She said, her voice gentle. I nodded. She suddenly pulled away from the hug and pulled me to the door.

"Now get out," she said as she pushed me out of the door.

"Bipolar bitch" I rolled my eyes.

"Get ready, or you'll be late for the flight. I'm coming" she said ignoring me and shut the door in my face before I could say anything.

I sighed, shaking my head with a small smile on my lips. I walked to my room. My suitcases were already packed. I walked into the bathroom and soon got ready. My flight was at 10 am.

Soon we both got to the airport. We walked into the airport with my luggage.

"Shit!" I cursed as I stumbled on my feet. Emma looked at me with worry.

"What? What happened? Whom do I have to kill? Did you forget your passport?! You know what, let's just go back! They won't allow you into the flight without a passport-" Emma started blabbering. I looked at my best friend with amusement. I was surely going to miss her even if it was only for a few days.

"Em! Calm down! I have my passport with me, stop being so dramatic"

"Oh," she pouted again.

"Em, I'll be fine, don't worry so much," I said smiling.

"How can I not worry, when I know exactly what that place means to you," she said quietly. I sighed, ignoring the slight ache in my chest.

My heart swelled in love for my best friend, who was with me through thick and thin. She has been my pillar of support all these years. And I'll always be grateful to her for that.

"I'll be fine Em," I said and she nodded sighing.

"I'll have to go now," I said and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Bye, see you soon," she said breaking the hug.

"Bye," I said and walked away from her. I soon checked in and boarded the flight.

I sat on my seat, leaned back, and closed my eyes as the flight took off.

It's been so long since I've been to South Korea. Six years to be more precise. After the things that took place there six years ago, Emma and I shifted to Canada. I am an orphan, well that's what I'd like to believe, and I've been adopted by abusive families a few times. And when I was finally fed up will all the abuse in my life, I left.

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