Starlight preface

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Hi guys!!!  

So this is my very first fanfic (yay!!!) so is appreciate it if you'd read, comment and share this fanfic thank you so much! All rights go to Stephanie Meyer




All I could see was black, there was no light anywhere I looked. I was mentally surrounded by darkness as the pain festered inside me, eating me alive to the point where I might scream. The pain wasn't even really there, just an endless scream in my head, like nails on a chalkboard. Pain wasn't really there, yet I felt it- it was killing me on the inside, eating at my heart, my soul, my mind...  

My mind was telling me one thing, and one thing only at this point of time. 


Bree is gone. 

She's dead.  


I screamed as that last thought escaped and made its way to the front of my mind. I couldn't bare this. I felt like I was going insane. That was the only pain hitting right now, the knowledge and thought of bree's death. 

I had failed yet again, I had failed miserably. The past two years of my life have been dedicated to searching for my cousin Bree tanner. I couldn't even do that! 

I was a failure.  

I felt the darkness closing in, slowly. Blackness creeping slowly into my mind, slowly clouding up my thoughts. Slowly but gradually.  

Like a dark cloud full of rain slowly descending on a town, ready to soak everyone and make everyone miserable. 

I was more than miserable.  

I was in agony.  

The painful hurt of my thoughts continued to thrash inside of me, eating me alive. 

I had no right to want the pain to end, yet I still hoped although I doubted it was going to get better.  

I felt the darkness eating away at my every cell; slowly consuming every last bit of consciousness I had left.  

I was slowly slipping into sleep, or maybe death? It didn't feel like falling asleep, this was way too painful. It must be death I was experiencing. But I didn't know what death felt like. I didn't know. 

I didn't even care. 

I tried holding on to that bit of consciousness that I had, but what was the point? I had no home to return to, no friends or family...  


I cried in anguish. I've lost just about half of my family now, why withstand the darkness creeping per me like a thick haze in my brain? Maybe I should give up...  


I had to stay conscious. Awake. Whichever, it didn't matter. I felt like I had to live through this but I couldn't point my finger on it.  

I couldn't even feel my fingers.  

I imagined hanging into a cliff, I was trying to imagine how close I was to being totally obliterated by darkness. I tried to pull through the darkness, the cliff... 

But I couldn't. As hard as I tried I knew I would fail. With one final cry from my lips I let go of my cliff face and let myself slip into unconsciousness

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