Voices Talk

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Warning:tiny bit of abuse talkNot that short----------------Phil's Pov~

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Warning:tiny bit of abuse talk
Not that short
Phil's Pov~

    When me and Techno were going to the nether, we saw Ranboo talking to himself quietly. We approached him quietly and heard what he said. "I'm not a traitor. I'm helping the friends that cared about me the most. Stop. Stop. No. I won't betray my real friends. My friends are Phil and Techno." Ranboo says quietly.

We went towards him and I wrapped my cape around him, which frightened him. Phil went besides him and I went on the other side of him. "O-oh... hello Phil and Techno." Ranboo says, trying to act happy. "Ranboo... let's go inside of my cottage. We need to talk." I say trying to sound calm. He shakes his head, and we go to my cottage.

Ranboo's Pov~

    When we made it in the cottage, Techno told me to sit down. I was very nervous because Techno wasn't never angry with him. "What... did you want to talk about it?" I asked. Phil and Techno also sat down. "Keep in mind, I'm not angry. We just want to talk." Techno says that calmed me down.
I was fiddling with my hands while the voices kept telling me things. "Ranboo... do you have voices like Techno?" Phil asked that made me stop fiddling with my hands and looked up.

"Yes..  I do. They are my personalities. They always argue and I need to try and keep them calm." I say without making eye contact with them. "What do they tell you to do?" Asked Phil and I didn't respond for some moments.

They were getting louder in my head, but I really didn't care that much. "Well, one of them is calm and won't say anything bad about me, like bad.  The other one will threaten me to take control, make me feel bad, and like to mess with my mind." I say, noticing I'm talking too much.

They looked at each other and looked at Ranboo without making eye contact. "I had a good childhood and my voice talks about Blood for the Blood God. I got used to mines. Why didn't yours stop threatening you and other things?" Asked Techno.

I was scared of telling them about my past, so I gave them a little glimpse of it. "My past wasn't good... I was neglected for some parts of my past and I'm half enderman and ghast from my mother and father. I never told anyone that I was part Ghast too. I was abused just a little bit until I was sent away." I say.

They were shocked. "The rest of my past is secretive. I can't tell you guys that much of my past. The voices are annoying. I need to leave and attend to Tommy's adventure that I have to go on, I'll be back." I say and I left.

Phil's Pov~

    Me and Techno were shocked about the information and kept that. "We can't tell anyone about that. We need more information about things. We have to keep this silent, ok?" I said to Techno and he agreed. We went on to the nether and started going on our mission.

----The End----

I won't be publishing parts before 1 A.M. The rest of the requests should be done for tomorrow and that I will be working on the rest of the parts at night and publish the next day!! GOODNIGHT(For me or the people who's nighttime)

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