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Oh babe i really need you
My feelings gettin' deeper
My mind is in a free fall
But there's nothing I can do when it comes to you
You play with my emotions
I'm flowin' like the ocean
I pray for your devotion
'Cause there's nothing I can do when it comes to you

My oa, my oa, my oasis
My oa, my oa, my oasis
My oa, my oa, my oasis
There's nothing I can do when it comes to you

"Turn it off" Becca shouted and I slowly switched over to turn off the blaring alarm.

I tiredly opened my eyes to see 7:30 Am on my alarm clock. I groaned tiredly and closed my eyes again.

I literally forgot I had to go to school for the volunteer work today but thank heavens I set the alarm a day early.

I bit my lips and pushed myself off my bed slowly glancing at the sleeping girls on the bed and on the floor respectively.

Tomi was on the bed with me and Becca and Katy were sleeping on the floor.

I sighed and smiled when I remembered how much fun we had last night. I guess girls night should be our thing once in a while now.

I stood up and tiptoed to the bathroom carefully, so as to not trip or wake the girls on the floor.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower and when I was done...I quickly wore a short gown and denim jacket.

Suddenly it hit me, how was I gonna wake this sleeping ladies up and well I'm gonna see Finn today, someone I've been avoiding during school hours.

I thought for a while then and idea came to me, I decided to wake the least grumpy one.

"Hey, Katy" I whispered gently so as not to wake the other's to avoid world war IV in my room.

I gently shook her over and thankfully she yawned before turning her over again.

She opened her eyes and blinked rapidly but as soon as her eyes fell on me she stood up to stretch a little.

"Sorry for waking you, but I have to get to school now for my volunteer work" I said as quiet as possible before looking round to see if I've woken the rest up but they still seemed to be asleep.

Katy eyes twitched in confusion and I guess as soon as her brain registered what I meant she asked "oh, you leaving like right now?".

I glanced at my phone and quickly nodded my head in affirmative. " I really gotta go now and I don't wanna wake them up, can you take care of things here for me?" I asked her

She nodded her head "sure, anything for the editor in chief".

I rolled my eyes and grumbled "bye, don't burn my house down". And as I moved out the door I heard her reply.

"Don't count on it!".

I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as I got to the school gate, said quick hello's to the security guard and made my way to where the school supplies were.

I did my routine, cleaning to female's toilet first before moving to other chores.

A major reason why I clean the female's toilet first is to avoid Finn. I mean that's the only place he can't enter to distract or annoy me and trust me a girl needs her quiet time.

I hummed to one of my favorite songs  seven rings by Ariana grande while scrubbing the toilet with my hand gloves and nose mask on.

When I was done, I moved to scrubbing the window's making sure this time what I'm standing up is really balanced to avoid a repeat of what happened the last time.

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