The Hunt

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Mia has just woken up and as she looks around she notices that she is on a bed more specifically the one in Tim's room. Next to her, on a desk there's a white Wayne Enterprise hoodie  and some shorts. After putting the clothes on she walked out of the room and into the living room which is connected to the kitchen. She sees that Tim is playing a racing game on the couch. "Seems like the golden girl finally woke up." Tim told her as he stayed fixed on the game.

As Mia walked over to where he is, she told him "Hi Timmy." She then sat next to him.

She leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek followed by asking as she rested her head  on his shoulder and asked "So what exactly happened last night?"

"What? The specifics, because I don't know you would describe that thing you do with.." Tim was saying only to have Mia interrupt him by saying "You know what I mean."

"Well after we fell asleep, I woke up first so I thought you wanted to wake up somewhere comfier than a big scary cave." Tim told her as he still kept his eyes on the game

"You know you can look at me." Mia pointed to Tim since he was very fixated on the game

"Kind of focused on the task at hand." Tim told her referring to the game he is playing

"You know you suck at this game. Right?" Mia told him. Tim turned to her and said in defensive manner "I am literally in first place ." Mia then quickly glanced at the screen and then looked back Tim and said with a smile "Well now you're in third."

By the time he looked back, the race was over so he placed the controller down and said "You're evil."

"Well what are going to do? Send me away?" Mia joked as she crossed her legs and faced Tim. "Well yes, I bought you a flight home while you were asleep."

"Oh come on, are you that hurt by a game?" Mia told him

"Well it's not like your friends know you're here." Tim told her.

"Can't I just stay a day longer, so we can actually go on a proper date. You instead of eating popcorn and watching you play video games." Mia pleaded

"I'm offended you don't consider that an actual date but if it makes you feel better it's a really first class flight ." Tim told her

"When hasn't it been a nice flight ?" Mia asked with rhetorically.

"I'm serious, a super sonic flight with nice a massage and wine ." Tim told her

"Well you had me at massage." told him as she leaned in and hugged him and added "Thank you."

She then back away and asked "How is it that you can schedule flight for whenever?  ."

"Well Bruce has slept with many higher ups of airlines so I'm able to call in a favor every now and then provided that I pay for everything." Tim explained. "You know it would be nice if would let me pay for something at least once." Mia pointed out

"We are both too rich for that to matter." Tim argued

"It would be a nice sentiment." Mia told him

"Well I like to pay for your stuff so it would be a nice sentiment if you let me." Tim told her

"How dare you use my own spell against me, Timmy." Mia told him jokingly

"I think you mispronounced Potter." Tim told her casually

"Well how about this, two weeks from now you can come over to Star city and I can have my mom cook us something." Mia suggested

"And by 'cook' you mean have her order something from a restaurant while we pretend not to notice ." Tim told her

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