A matter of belief

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We start with Tim being dragged into a room by Ariana with Alexander slightly behind. He's handcuffed to a chair and is sitting across from Terry who is also handcuffed to a chair.

"Hope, we're on same team." Tim told Terry. Who simply replied with a nod of agreement

"The money has been wired to your account." Alexander told Ariana who was still behind Tim

"Can't thank you enough Tim. You just made a rich one percenter like yourself." Ariana told him in flaunting manner. She walked to the exit "That's it? You just showed up for some money?

"How about you learn to care less and try not to miss me." Ariana told him followed by her leaving

"How has it been Drake." Alexander asked as he walked around the room

"Is this the part were you tell us your grand plan?" Tim asked in a somewhat sarcastic manner. "He's a fan of boasting. That's  for sure." Terry commented

Alexander laughed a bit and said "I like to play me cards one at a time. This world is facing hardships and I want to be the only man to save it."

"So you want to take us off the board?" Terry asked

"That's an over simplification but yes. It wasn't hard to lure you out Tim. I mean an email sent on your ex's birthday and you fall hook line and sinker." Alexander laughed a bit and added "Hope blinds people. I thought a smart person like you would get that." Alexander started walking off

"Where are you going?" Terry asked him

Alexander answered simply with "You'll see."

"How did you get caught?" Tim asked Terry as he looked around

"If your talking about me testifying, than Alexander got information on a friend of mine a threat to reveal her to the world." Terry told him

"What does that mean? Is this person a meta or something?" Tim asked with curiosity

"Her name is Donna Troy, although she's not exactly a meta." Terry told him. Then a green gas started filling the room. They they both heard Alexander over an intercom and said "Gentlemen I present to you fear toxins courtesy of the deceased Dr. Jonathan Crane."

"Do you have a fear toxin immunity?" Terry asked as he started coughing. Tim replied simply with "Nope." followed by him starting to cough

Back at the Batcave Barbara is on the Batcomputer. She's typing away as Mia impatient waits besides her "Do you have something?"

"Not since the last time you asked. Which was seconds ago." Barbara told her in a slight annoyed manner "A transport vehicle doesn't just disappear. What about Tim's A.I?" Mia stated

"It's no use, the thing doesn't listen to me. Just Tim and probably Bruce." Barbara told her

Mia doubted what Barbara said "Brother eye, I'm Mia Queen and I request access to your system."

The AI responded simply with "Access denied." which left Mia speechless

"Told you." Barbara told her. After this Dick and Jason walked into the Batcave. Mia walked over to them and said "Please tell me you have something."

"Not really." Jason told her frankly with Dick then saying "But we know the FBI is working the missing person case. If they get anything will know."

At GCPD we see as Elijah and Skye walked into the precinct and were spotted by Commissioner Jones who approached them and asked "Which one of you is SSA Regan?"

Both of them replied simultaneously replied "Me." they pause with Skylar saying "You can call me Skye."

"Well we have an investigation room set up. Good luck with the case." Commissioner Jones told them as he pointed to the room. Elijah told him in his usual serious demeanor "Thank you very much will take it from here."

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