I don't care what you did...

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Hello Arohas,
If you are new then please read the first part otherwise you cannot understand the story😊
Thank you 😄


You always thinking about Bin so you decide that you will go Bin's house.

You reach his house and knock the door


(Bin opens the door)

Bin : What are you doing here?
Y/N : Bin please listen to me
Bin : Why you not understand Y/N? I told you to forget me then why you still loving me?
Y/N : I always loving you Bin because I love you very much and I cannot live without you.
Bin : Why Y/N? We are break up now. Why you not accept the reality?
Y/N : Bin please understand me I
Bin : Why are you come here?
Y/N : Am come here for hearing the truth Bin. Why you not tell me the reason?
(He ignore your question again)
Bin : *angry voice* listen please go from here. I don't want to talk to you.
Y/N : Am your girlfriend Bin. Why you treat me like this?
Bin : I tell you Y/N just go from here
Y/N : Listen to me Bin
Bin : *loud voice* You not hear me what am saying just go from here *Snap*

(Bin snap you)

You never thought that he doing this with you. The other members are shocked they cannot expect this from Bin.

It hurts you so much that you run away from his house
Y/N : *crying*

Eunwoo : Are you mad Bin? We never expect that you do this with Y/N.
MJ : If someone snap you then how you feel?

JinJin is worry about you that where you go

JinJin : Am just coming

Then he run away from his house and trying to find you.

JinJin : It is raining, where she was going?

After searching...finally he find you.

JinJin : Y/N *loudly*

You turn back and see JinJin standing near you.

Y/N : *crying*

(You go and hug him)

Y/N : He hate me. Everything is finished *crying*

(JinJin cannot say any word)

Then he drop you at your home.

JinJin : Please don't cry Y/N it is too late now you should go and sleep. If you get any problem don't think anything just call me. Okay

JinJin is like your elder brother who understand you in every moment and help you without thinking anything.

Y/N : Okay

Then he left

After some hours later, you cannot sleep. You just thinking about Bin and crying suddenly your phone is ringing. You see Eunwoo calling you

Eunwoo : Hello Y/N
Y/N : Hello *crying voice*
Eunwoo : I understand what you feel right now
Y/N : *crying*
Eunwoo : Don't cry Y/N. Listen can you come tomorrow at our dance room where we practicing our new album. There you can talk with Bin.
Y/N : Am full sure that he not talk with me.
Eunwoo : But
Y/N : Okay I'll come tomorrow. I hope he realize that he was doing wrong with me.
Eunwoo : Yeah I also think so.... okay we are waiting for you Y/N and don't cry we are all with you. See you tomorrow
Y/N : Okay bye
Eunwoo : Bye

(Then he cut the call)

Next morning, you reach there dance room. You see all members but you cannot find Bin there

Y/N : *where is he?*


What happened? Where is Bin? you will know on the next chapter.

I cannot live Without You [ ASTRO MOONBIN FF]Where stories live. Discover now