You're my everything

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Hello Arohas,
If you are new then first read the first part otherwise you cannot understand the story 😊
Thank you 😄


Bin found you as felt on the floor and cover with blood.

(He bring you to the hospital)

Other members are also come when they hear this news

*Bin is now very sad, feel guilty and crying*

Bin : *crying* WHY DID YOU DO THAT PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!! You need to be awake, you need to know the reason. I will tell you the truth...

That night he stay with you at hospital and pray for you.

Next day, they have concert that's why he cannot stay with you but he still be worried about you.

He really feel sorry for what he done to you. He cannot concentrate on the concert.

Bin : *crying* Please wake up Y/N

While ASTRO where having a concert you slowly open your eyes while you heard the T.V. is on and saw Bin's having his turn to have a speech.

Bin : Today first of all I would like to say I'm happy that I'm here together with you Arohas and I'm glad that we have a concert here. You friends keep on supporting us, thank you so much and this day I will going to tell the truth about what happen, that this pass few days I read a message to someone and I have no clue who is it. So I thought it just a joke but that person try to do something bad to Y/N. He said "If you want Y/N safety Moonbin then you should stay away from her before I do something you will regret". So I didn't hesitant to do it because I love her. It's hard for me to do that but I want her to be safe and I will do everything for her. *crying* it's okay for let go of her just to make sure she's safe even I'm hurt too, I need to let her go. I break up with her even I don't want too. I did it before having a concert in the Thailand. Yes, she keep on asking me why...I said that thing without making a reason why but in my heart I want to say I miss you and I love you Y/N but I need to lie just to let her go. I just still ignoring her and she cry and Aroha she cannot take this anymore and she *crying* trying to suicide. We bring her to hospital and I can't help myself but to cry and regret what I've done. Our company found out the person who try to threaten Y/N and now he is in the jail. Please help me to pray for Y/N to survive and to her wake up *crying* Y/N.. If you can hear me please wake up I miss you calling me Binnie. I know you are a strong girl that I love and Arohas are here for you also bit the timing was not good because I need to be here. Even I want to go see you but now I had a chance to tell this to all of you and I know you can fight for it and always remember you have me and Arohas by your side. So please wake up now and Arohas will be very happy for that and you still going to be my future wife...*still crying* thank you!

(Then all members are come and hug Bin)

Bin : *crying* I love you Y/N and I also cannot live without you. You the only girl that I love. No one can replace you from my heart Y/N.

When you heard all the truth you feel so happy that you can't help just to be mad at yourself. Now you know that why Bin do this with you.

Y/N : Binnie *crying* I am sorry I cannot understand you. I am really lucky that I have you in my life. You do these things for my safety. I love you too Binnie.

After a few weeks later, you finally recover and Bin always there by your side. He will never ever try to do his mistakes again before and now. He show you how he Loves you.

(One night he video call you)

Bin : I miss you Y/N and I can't help myself to call you and our fans missed you also and..
Y/N : And?
Bin : And I want to see your face
Y/N : Binnie~
Bin : I want to say good night also and don't get sick. I need to take care of you every second and..
Y/N : And? What is it Binnie??

(He show you finger hearts)

Y/N : Awww I love you Binnie~~
Bin : Omg my heart beat was so fast when you said to me. My heart only beats for you.
Y/N : Omg Binnie~
Bin : Okay now it is too late. Good Night Y/N and remember Bin always love you
Y/N : I love you too Binnie


                THANK YOU FOR READING

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