chapter two

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Sai was visibly surprised when she could not find virat in the room. He was here before she had gone to shivani bua's room which made her wonder for a moment where had he disappeared instead of being here. Then she remembered that balcony talks of him and his so called best friend has been restarted from past few days . She sighed before she took her suitcase and opened it to arrange her clothes and things in it.

Virat entered his room lost in his own thoughts. He had a terrible fight with paakhi just few minutes ago because she was trying to instigate him against sai again. What was wrong with that woman? She has visibly changed, she was no longer the sweet and caring paakhi he knew, she has become a bitter person. On top of that, he was not in a good mood . Sai was ignoring him like a plague and only answered to him in monotonous tone . Her playful side has disappeared, she no longer smiled at him and he could no longer find her imitating him or touching his things.
Guilt, anger and jealousy all this emotions seeped inside him during this days which made him to lose control and he had done mistakes. But this was not the case before three days he was all sorted out, he was a caring husband who just wanted to have a quiet dinner with his wife and listen to her as she could narrate him her experience of her first day in the college and then they could bicker for sometime before falling asleep. Everything changed when he had yelled at sai after she had fake flirted with amay on the phone , his anger consumed him and he had yelled at her for the stupidity and she had not been calm either. The next morning , he found her again disrespecting his family and he had crossed his limits not only he had raised his voice at her and aai but questioned her father's upbringings something which he knew she could not forgive him easily for. He was proved right, after he had supported his family and asked her to apologize, she had started to act indifferent. After two days of silent treatment, she had spoken today only to handover him the evidence collected against amay and walked away before he spoke again. His aai and bua was upset with him but still spoke to him but sai refused to even look at his face. Today when amay got arrested and bua was proved innocent, amay's wife had apologized to his family and bua but none of his family had been grateful to sai for proving bua innocent and not letting their house reputation in society getting tainted. Sai did not seem to care about his family's behavior and was happy to prove bua innocent. He wanted to thank her and even apologize but then he stopped himself from doing either. He decided still sai owns up for her mistakes, he would not either owns up to his. If he apologize to her now it would only encourage her to continue with her rude behavior. He was not letting that happen.
His eyes scanned his room when he found her arranging her clothes neatly in the suitcase. Her books and documents were placed separately. She finally zipped the suitcase and placed it safely near the cupboard before she looked up and found him staring at her questioningly.
" virat sir " she sighs as she calls his name and quickly pulled out the drawer and brought up cheque and handed to him. Virat was bewildered when sai handed him the cheque but he read the amount written on it, and he understood it was her college fees which was returned back . Before he could even question Her about it, she had answered
" My scholarship has been approved, the college had returned the amount paid "
He had simply shook his head when her next words left him stunned.
" The scholarship also includes free accommodation facility. I have decided to shift to the hostel by tomorrow "
He was silent for a moment, trying to grasp the information she just said He felt so devastated all of sudden. Receiving no response from him, sai picked up her pillow and was walking away.
" sai where are you going? " virat asked her noticing walking out of the room.
" Virat sir I'm going to sleep with usha mausi. Since tomorrow she would be leaving for the village and I will be going to hostel , I want to sleep with her " sai answered him and was moving when virat grabbed her hand,
" Sai I'm not able to understand anything, how can you suddenly decide that you're moving out and you're letting usha mausi return to the village. It is not right "

" Virat sir, I had been clear from starting that I will move out from your house once I get Scholarship and shift to the hostel. About usha mausi moving back to the village, I had already made all the arrangements when I had recently visited the village" sai revealed to him which only angered him.
" Are you insane ? Do you understand the dangers of going here alone? Whenever I think you will get some sense, you do something insane like this " virat thundered.
" I did not go alone without any safety. I had asked dcp sir to send some cops with me for my protection which he did and he also assured about usha mausi's security in the village and before you blame me for spoiling your imagine in front of your senior officer, I had already informed him that you don't know anything about me visting the village and requested him to do the same because I did not want you to take another leave from your duty because of me. He had understood and agreed " sai retorted at him angrily.

Virat felt helpless and terrible. He again let his anger consume him but the thought of anything happening to her because of her stupidity had left him panicked for a moment even though she was alright in front of him. Only she could not see his concern behind his temper.
" And virat sir you don't need to worry about my safety outside, when I been threatened in your own house. Day before yesterday your father threatened me that he would slap me and bring me on line and your kaku every other time keeps trying to hurt me " virat's eyes widened at the revelation. Did his father threaten sai of such horrifying things? Was that the reason that his mother called him ignorant about the injustice happening to sai in the house by his family when he had asked sai to apologize for her rudeness.
" instead of supporting me, you screamed at me and aai. Even went on blaming my father's upbringing. The same person who died saving you. I trusted you virat sir. I don't trust people easily. I Let you inside and you did not even understand me. I thought you understood me" virat did not know what wounded his heart more that he had disappointed sai or he lost both her trust and friendship.
" sai I did not know " he tried to reason . He knew it was such ridiculous reason to say now. He should have not shouted at her without knowing the whole situation. He should have known that Sai would have never behaved badly if she was not provoked. Only if he had sense to see that then but no he was still upset with her and only saw what he wanted to see.
" you did not even try to know. You concluded that since sai is here she must be the only wrong one. On the first day to my college, I wanted to go early but your family wanted me to do work and even called me ungrateful when I suggested them that I would come early from college and do the work, even in anger I started doing the work,Your best friend taunted me everytime I got hurt but you know because of whom I kept quite, it was because of you virat sir but you never understood " her eyes watered as she turned her face away swallowing her tears. She regretted that she had once admired him and thought he would stand by her everytime. No she would not repeat this mistake again. She shook her head and turned back to him.

Virat was shaking with anger. His family had done this, he could not get over the disbelief that his father actually threatened to slap his wife. How dare he?. He seriously wanted to wake up his family and lash out at them. He looked at sai whom he had hurt, he knew no amount of explanations would not make up for what his family and he had done but he could not let her go. He takes a deep breath before speaking but she cuts him off
" virat sir , I really want to sleep now. I'm tired "
He utters a okay noticing that she actually looks tired and she's gone leaving him in the empty room where he knew he was not going to fall asleep.

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