chapter three

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Virat found himself in front of usha mausi's room early at the morning. He was determined to convince sai to not to leave him and the house. He knocked the door , usha mausi opened it. He looked past her to see sai standing here fully dressed up.
He greeted usha mausi and approached sai.
" sai " he called her name to gain Her attention. Sai looked at him.
Once he was sure he had her attention, virat began to speak " sai I know whatever happened previous days in this house was not right but sai leaving this house will only prove you were wrong, stay here. Aai, shivani bua and devyani taai needs you "
" Virat sir, If me leaving this house proves me wrong let me be wrong virat sir. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. About aai and shivani bua I have already informed them and convinced them about my decision and they are okay with it. Devyani taai had slept yesterday by the time I had finished with aai , I will say my goodbyes today. Goodbye virat sir. May you and your best friend leave happily ever after "
Sai walked away leaving him speechless.

Telling goodbye to devyani taai was  difficult for sai. She would miss her. But she promised that she would always make time for the family she had gained in the house and try to help them whenever she can.
" you will come to meet na saayi"devyani taai asked her innocently.
" I will bring you chocolates and balloons whenever I can " sai promised her which made devyani squeal in Joy and hug her. Sai had to control her emotions.

When sai had announced her decision to the chauvan family. She was not shocked when she saw how most of them were happy. She was sure if given a chance by paakhi could have hugged her that day happily.
" if you need anything, you can call me okay " paakhi spoke with her such softness sai almost felt if she was dreaming.
Kaku and virat sir's father had clearly warned her not to come back indirectly. Sai found herself thinking that she would rather starve to death than coming back to this house. She bend down to get aai's blessing who did not let her do that instead kissed her on forehead affectionaly. Shivani bua helped her with her luggage when virat had interrupted insisting that he would drop sai.
" Veeru you don't need to think about sai anymore. She has me and ashwini vahini for that " shivani had snapped at him.
" Shivani " kaku had her raised her voice.
" for god sake vahini let sai atleast leave this house peacefully without any drama " shivani had shut her up.
" Sai if you're leaving this house, it means you're leaving virat also. Are you planning for divorce " paakhi intervened much to virat's dismay. Before he could even shut paakhi for speaking about divorce when he clearly wanted to save this marriage desperately.
To his surprise, virat found debate competition happening in his house where more than half of his family supported paakhi and his aai fought with them. Shivani bua looked tired to even fight and kept quite. Sai had the same expression.
" you don't worry paakhi didi, I will send the divorce papers as soon as possible " sai put a end to the argument.
" There is no divorce happening " Virat shouted having enough of his marriage deciding about his marriage.
" Par virat. ..." paakhi tried to explain.
"  Shut up paakhi " virat seethed in fury. Paakhi lowered her eyes hurt with his words.
" This is my marriage. Me and sai will decide what we want to do with it. We are grown up adults, we can make our own decisions " virat firmly spoke.
Kaku and ninad wanted to argue with him but virat clearly had enough and stormed out of the place ignoring them calling him back for lectures about manners.
Sai left shortly after him with usha mausi and shivani bua as she had enough of the family drama.

The next week passed away with sai settling down in her hostel and virat avoiding his family. Virat only spoke with his aai to whom he had properly apologized for his behavior and shivani bua and once in a while to his sister. Having ran out of her patience paakhi had once entered his room to pacify virat.
" virat you are angry with me because of sai, the girl whom you rarely
know "
" She is not any other girl paakhi, she is my wife " virat corrected her but much to his frustration she refused to accept it.
" Toh kya hua virat , she is not here anymore but I'm here " paakhi says to him and that's the time virat realizes that it was not right for paakhi to be here in his room at late night when he does not even have his wife.
" Paakhi you should leave , this is not right " he tells her politely. Paakhi refuses to listen.
" what is not right virat? " she asks him.
" you being in my room at late night when my wife is not here is not right. Paakhi you maybe my friend but even friendship has some restrictions " he says to her and she listens to him trying to grasp his words.
" but virat..." she again tries to argue trying to test his patience.
" Paakhi please leave " virat snapped at her rudely and paakhi left heart broken. Virat locked his room door and slept on his side of the bed seeking some solace which he never got. He turned around the bed to see the other side empty. Pain flashed through his eyes and tears made its way from his eyes not able to bear the hurt he had bottled up and kept. His agony only increased remembering that sai did not even miss him as he does because if she had given him happiness and joy in his life he had done the opposite to her. He wanted to rectify everything he had done to her and have her back only if she gives him chance. He wondered if she would give him another chance as he tossed around the bed restlessly.

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