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Living on your own is something very daunting, especially to a teenager just starting out their life. I Lexie, was faced with a decision.
Number one being, live with my father, Greg and my two little siblings, Jason and Kelly in the middle of absolutely nowhere. The only things surrounding you being one small grocery store and endless fields and forests.
Or number two, live independently in a small apartment, finding a job and fending for myself.

I chose option number two. I turned 18 in March, so my dad finally agreed to my second option. I told him I wanted to find a job and move out, him being as supportive as he is simply replied, " you know I actually have a small apartment in London that some wanker called Derek is renting from me. I could kick him out you know".

So here I am, standing in my tiny apartment full all my belongings packaged up neatly in boxes. I heard some swearing and the door rattling. I ran to the door and opened it for my dad who placed (more like threw) the last box on the floor.

"Who thought it would be a bloody good idea to make an apartment building with 8 floors and no lift".

"Someone very in to exercise by the looks of it dad".

My mum and dad are divorced. My mum left when I was 7, not really sure where she is right now honestly. We don't talk much, and when we do it's very polite and short conversations. My dad remarried three years ago to my step mum Sheila. I love the pair with my whole life. Sheila and my dad have two kids together. The youngest is Kelly, she's 5 and Jason is 9. Those two are annoying little shits but I love them all the same.

My dad finally caught his breath.
"Right sweets, I better be off. Remember, trust your gut instinct, and kick 'em in the balls of ya have to. Understand?".

"Yes dad I understand", I laughed.

He's always been very protective of me but he does let me make my own decisions, he always puts his input in if he thinks he should.

"Call me whenever you need help, or when you just need a chat- oh and if you need money also ask me, you know I'll help ye out".

"I know dad thank you. You have the spare keys, right?"

He twirled the set of keys around his finger, answering my question.

"Alright sweets, love ya". He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.
I simply waved back and tried to not let my eyes tear up. It's not goodbye really, just a see you later.

I turned back to all the unpacked boxes and sighed. This apartment has potential but right now looks like shit show. The kitchen has cabinets and small round dining table, but the walls are a nasty mustard colour, the same as in my bedroom. My dad helped me put my bed in here. There's a small closet luckily so I have places to put my clothes for now.
The living room has a dark brown and beige pull out couch, which I actually like, but the old floral wallpaper is ripping off the wall. My dad bought me my own TV as a moving out present, but since it has no where to stand right now, it's just sitting on the floor.
The bathroom is small but tidy, white tiles all around so I'm quite pleased with it.

I decided to start unpacking the boxes, meanwhile I was thinking about what I could paint on the kitchen wall. I love painting and drawing, at my dads cottage the walls are full of murals I've done. I was homeschooled, so I always had a lot of spare time on my hands. I decided that I would paint a forest scenery on the wall, it would match the cabinets and at least give somewhat of a feeling of the countryside.

I finished school back in June, I don't think I want to go to university, at least not for now. I want to work for a year and get some real experience of the world. Plus I'm not really sure what I want to do in life. All I know is, I like to draw and that's about it.

I got tired from unpacking so I opened my laptop and sat on the couch and decided to look for some job offers.
I sent my CV to couple of places but I didn't really find anything I liked.

I remembered about a family friends daughter I met at a wedding last year. She told me she lives in London and if I ever needed help I could call her. She gave me her number but we never spoke since.

I looked through my phone for a couple of minutes until I finally remembered her name.
"Sarah Newman there we go" I put my laptop away and decided to call her.

The line rang for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Yes, hello?"

"Hi Sarah! It's Lexie, I'm not sure if you reme-"

"Lexie!!! Yes I remember you, we got so pissed at the Loughlin wedding we bonded"

I laughed at memory and we made some small talk.

" So I moved to London today, and I was wondering if you know a place I could get a job".

"I work at Ground Breaker cafe if you're interested. The pay is good and I know the owner is looking for a job right now".

"That sounds perfect, do you think you get set up an interview for me?"

"Hell yeah I can, I'd love to finally have someone I like there".

We talked a bit more and she told me she'd would let me know what the owner says.
I got started on organising my closet. My style varies everyday. Some days I'm in to dressing up, and actually trying to look nice. Other days I couldn't give a rats ass about what I look like and choose comfort.
I ran myself a bath to relax after a long day. Whilst in the bath I heard my phone chime, it was a message from Sarah saying

Interview tomorrow at the cafe at 10 am. The owner is a nice old lady called Marie so don't worry. Bring your best smile ;) x

I smiled and typed a thank you.
I got out of the bath and wrapped myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I have long blonde hair that goes to my belly button which I got my dad. All my facial features are the same as my mums though, blue eyes and light freckles on my nose. I'm pretty short, 5'2, and my mum is the same. Jason has almost outgrown me and he's only 9.

I as almost every single young woman in the world, am not happy with my looks. There are days when I feel okay about myself but usually I end up comparing myself to others I feel are prettier or better than me.
I hate my ears, but I have a thing for
piercings. Both of my ears have 5 piercings on them each, it helps me deal with my insecurities.
I have small silver nose ring as well and my belly button pierced.
I wouldn't be able to walk through a metal detector very well.

I finally got into bed, turned on my alarm and let myself drift to sleep.

Authors note!
This is my first story I have written and I have no idea how this is going to go. If one person at least reads this and enjoys it, I'll be happy :)

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