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I decided to wear a yellow skirt with ruffles going up the side, black tube top and nude strapped heels. I straightened my hair and only added some lip gloss.

At 19.55 I heard my door bell ring. Sarah walked in with her long black hair in a high pony tail, tight red dress showing off her curves and black heels.

"You look fucking sexy" I said in awe of her.

"Uhhh have you seen yourself lex?"

"You're right we look good" we both laughed.

We took some pictures and I put up a mirror selfie on Instagram and captioned it 'let the fun begin :) '

I grabbed my phone and denim jacket and we headed out the door.
"You're drinking tonight, aren't you?" I asked Sarah.
"Duhh and so are you. Don't worry, I already called us a taxi" she winked and we linked arms.

We arrived at the club which was blaring music. People were outside either smoking, throwing up or engaging in some serious lip locking. We walked up to the bouncer, showing our IDs and he nodded saying "have fun ladies".

"We will!" We both shouted back giggling.

We went straight to the bar, where Sarah said we have to wait for her friends. We ordered two margaritas while we waited and finally they showed up. I saw Kian and smiled. He came up to me and have me a hug .
" I didn't know you would be here lex!"
He tried to subtly eye me up and and down but he failed miserably.

I laughed and said "I didn't know I would be either".

"Okay Lexie, obviously you know Kian, this is Tamara"- she said pointing to a girl with black glasses and purple skirt, " -this is Ben"- who was wearing a white shirt and winked at me "- Miranda"- her voice very noticeably changed when introducing Miranda. Miranda looked me up and down and scowled. Sarah continued "- these are the twins, Ian and Dave"- two almost identical ginger twins waved at me. One was wearing a red shirt and the other yellow.

"And I think we are missing- oh no, there he is"- I looked to where Sarah was looking and saw Nathan come out of nowhere, he was wearing a black button up and black skinny jeans. I wanted to throw up from the butterflies, he looked good, that I can admit. I tried not to look but as soon as he saw me he scoffed again and rolled his eyes. Miranda smirked at his reaction and latched on to his arm.

Sarah gave me an apologetic smile as I stared in her soul planning on ways to murder her for not telling me Nathan would be here.

I greeted everyone politely and took Sarah by the arm to the bathrooms. As soon as we stepped inside I started yelling.

"Sarah why the hell didn't you tell me that prick would be here. On the way in the taxi I told you how much I can't stand that man!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. He's friends with Ben and the twins. I just knew that if I told you he would be here you wouldn't come"

"Damn right I wouldn't", I glared at her while she was trying to hide the fact she was trying not to laugh at my misery.

"Tell you what lex, let's go get pissed "

"Finally Sarah, something I can agree on", we headed back out to the bar.

Ben had ordered the whole group shots. After everyone had finished 3 shots, we all started going to the dance floor. Meanwhile Nathan did not seem to enjoy one second of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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