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Track 5: Gorgeous (3:12)
Camila POV
The Lauren in front of me was nothing like the Lauren Jauregui I remembered. She had always exuded an air of arrogance, but had never been remotely attractive. At least for me.
And as much as I could admit, this Lauren Jauregui was fucking beautiful.
It was undeniable.
Her green eyes were still the same.
The fact that she is a little more attractive now has not changed anything, however. Soon after her eyes found mine while she was in the hot tub, once the initial shock of the attraction disappeared, I felt uncomfortable. I quietly questioned whether we should consider being roommates, whether we were still the hot-headed girls who could be completely cordial in one minute and involved in a fiery discussion the next.
"Okay, let's vote now," Greg said, putting a pile of blankets on the couch for me. "Lauren, can you join me in the kitchen so we can officially discuss our next roommate?"
Lauren went towards Greg without looking in my direction, and as if I wasn't around, Greg started talking.
"So let me explain my reasons why I'm saying yes to Camila. Then you can tell your reasons and then we can vote." He raised a finger. "Number one, she's sexy as hell, but she also has the money according to her father. I feel arrogance, since I opened the windows of the deck and said: 'This is an example of sea view', she replied with 'No kidding'. I'm still not sure how I feel about it."
Lauren's lips bowed in a slight smile. "That's her very light sarcasm. You need to know that this will only get worse."
"All right, that's an attack on my box," he said. "But back to the positive aspects. Once again, she has the money. She also claims to have studied Sociology on the ship Semester at Sea and is willing to share some of her old notes with me."
"Greg, Sociology is one of the easiest classes on this campus. Why are you so committed to getting help for this?"
"Because the only teacher I could get is Swanson and he failed me in two of his other classes." He took a break. "He clearly has that for me, and I need at least one C to graduate."
"Any other positive point?"
"Have I mentioned that she is attractive as hell?"
"You did". Lauren took a bottle of beer and took a sip, still not looking at me.
"Well, let's put it to a vote." Greg cleared. "Everyone in favor of Camila Cabello being our third roommate, say I."
"I," I said, in unison with Greg.
Lauren turned to face me. "You don't live here. You don't give a vote for this."
"Like hell, she doesn't, because it sounds like two to one." Greg laughed and approached me, handing me a beer. "You don't need to sleep on the couch tonight, but we'll need your first month of rent by the end of this week."
"No problem".
He hit the beer against mine and looked at the phone. "I'll come back a little later. I'm about to fuck... I mean..." He paused, clearing. "Camila, are you staying with someone? I'm asking for a friend."
"Who is your friend?"
I laughed. "No, I just got out of a relationship."
"Okay, well, if you want to go out with me, I'll be totally ready for that." He went towards the door. "I mean, after finishing what I'm doing tonight. Not now." He said goodbye and ran out the door, leaving Lauren and I alone.
"So, did you break up with Daddy Bear?" Lauren stood in front of me, smiling. "Did he cry?"
"First, his name was Matt," I said. "His bedroom name was Big Bear, and he dumped me."

"What does that make him? The thirteenth boyfriend who dropped you on that ship?"
"I'm aware." I got up. "Thank you for reminding me. Which of the rooms am I getting?"
"None of these," she said, walking to my bags and rolling forward. "Me and Greg decided that the new roommate should have the master suite."
"Really? Why?"
"It's the only room that's not completely secluded." She smiled a perfect set of pearly white, and I tried to remember if her smile looked like that when we were younger. "Oh, and since it's an addition to the existing house, it's also the only room in the house that doesn't have central air conditioning."
Of course. "Well when I thought you were being generous to me."
"Never with you". She accompanied me down the hall, rolling my things in the huge suite.
Sure enough, the air inside looked warmer than the hallway, and I knew that all the fans in the corner and the boxed air conditioner would be widely used every day.
I opened the porch doors and stepped on the edge, smiling as I looked at the bathroom that was five times the size of my entire cabin at SS World Odyssey.
"The only thing we don't have in this house is a washer and dryer," she said. "Then you'll have to take your stuff to the Super Suds laundry at the end of the court." She opened a closet. "There are a lot of canvas bags in your closet and the walk is only ten minutes."
"Walking? Don't you have a car?"
"Yes, I have a car. But like you don't, I don't understand what that has to do with you."

"You're not going to offer to let me use it when I need to do my laundry? Not even if I go on the same day as you?""If I considered you to be my friend, I would. Seeing as though I don't?" She shrugged, and I rolled my eyes."

The second she put my smallest suitcase on a couch, I opened the zipper on the side pocket and pulled out a framed envelope. I put it in the center of my dresser.
"Haven't you opened your mother's last letter to you yet?" she asked.
"No". I shook my head. "The back of the tabs says to open it when and if I run out of people to ask for advice."
"Interesting," she said, lifting my other suitcase on top of a dresser. As she lifted it up, my baby blue "reading companion" fell out of her top pocket and fell to the floor, buzzing.
Panting, I tried to catch him, but she grabbed him first, rolling him in the palm of her hand.
"Hmmmm," she said, smiling. "So you only need five centimeters when you play with yourself? Maybe that's why you always settle so much when it comes to guys."
I took my toy from her and stuck it in my purse. "Thank you for your help. You can leave my room and show your true hateful colors again now."
"After we discuss the rules". She looked at the open flap of my suitcase and I closed it before any of my other vibrators fell off.
"First rule," she said, looking serious, "no bonfires or parties. Never."
"Second rule, you need to make sure to close the blinds every night." She pointed to the huge grey blinds that framed my windows. "They are connected to the alarm system, so whenever the night is over, make sure they are closed."
"Got it".
"Third rule, no male company in your room."
"Sorry?" I crossed my arms. "What kind of rule is that?"
"A brilliant one". She looked at me from top to bottom. "It's also non-negotiable."
"Do you plan to have some company in your room? Like, are you and Greg seriously saying that you will never invite any women?"
"The only reason I'm instituting this rule for you is because dating on land is different than at sea, and the words "Would you like to go back to my room and talk?" make a completely different impression.
"Ah..." I cleared my throat. "Okay. Well, thank you. I didn't know you cared so much."
"I really don't." She seemed to want to say something else, but Greg suddenly entered my room.

"Okay, change of plans!" He held up his hands in surrender. "My ex didn't want to give me any break-up sex for old times' sake, so I think Lauren should drive us to The Umbrellas to celebrate our new roomie and a senior year we won't forget. My treat."

"Your treat?" I smiled. "Really?""Yeah, of course. I'll buy you both one drink."

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