Chapter 1

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"What?!" You yelled in denial, while your landlord was on the other line of your phone call. He was being transmitted through the Bluetooth speaker of your car, as you were driving to the new place you would be living in for a while. The college you got accepted into was nearby said house, and the rent was far cheaper than a dorm room on campus. So, faced with this financial crisis, you decided to rent it. Plus, the landlord was only renting out to college students, so it was a good opportunity to meet new faces that you'd see at school. That was your plan anyway, until he told you all your roommates were men. "Why didn't you think to tell me this sooner?" You replied in a calmer state than earlier, almost scaring your landlord at the sudden chilling tone of your voice, making him pause to choose his next words carefully.

"Relax, they're good people!" He reassured to the best of his ability, as though telling you to relax would make you calmer, but it held the opposite effect, "I was kind of desperate to get another room rented..." he proceeded to whisper under his breath, pretending his remark went unheard. It was far too late for you to find a new place to reside because your first semester of college started in a little less than a week, so it will have to do until you could move out.

"It's fine," You lied to yourself through gritted teeth, followed by a scoff. You thought that if you believed you weren't angry, you would feel better as a result of thinking positively. You scanned the road ahead of you for oncoming traffic before driving through a stop sign, only realizing you had once you passed it, "Do they at least know I'm a girl?"

"Gosh, I didn't think to tell them, sorry..." The landlord hesitated, then trailed off with regret. If you were held at gun point to speak of your opinion on your landlord, all you could muster up was that he was extremely flakey, and that's just you being polite. And to top everything off, you couldn't stand his indecisiveness either. You nearly ran red lights out of pure anger, wanting to punch this guy in the brain so that maybe the rushing blood would make him think better. How dumb was he? Doesn't he know the struggles and worries of being a woman? What makes him think you wouldn't mind living in a house full of stinky men?

Your eyebrows furrowed at all those disorganized thoughts that ran through your brain, clouding your level-headedness in the process. Gripping the steering wheel tighter to try and blow off steam in a less destructive manner, you sighed, staring holes into your windshield. "It's no use now, I'm five minutes away from the damn place. I'm hanging up."

"Wait I'm so-" He was soon cut off by you ending the call, and turning up the song that was playing on the radio, despite it being awful. It was a good distraction from your current predicament, so the distasteful music wasn't too bad.

And as if your day couldn't get any more disappointing, you were pulled over for speeding.

. . .

What should've been five minutes later, but because of that incident turned out to be thirty, you finally arrived at your new living establishment. You didn't bother to bring your belongings up to the door yet, as you wanted to have a look inside first in case you felt the need to flee the scene and just live in your car. Upon walking up to the doorstep, you heard two differently pitched voices arguing with each other, pausing for a moment to listen to their nearly inaudible bickering. One voice was low and passive-aggressive, the other talked sarcastically and uncaring as though they were used to these types of occurrences. After eavesdropping, you proceeded to type in the password for the keypad, pushing the door open.

The debating stopped as everyone's attention was drawn in by the sound of the door opening. There stood your figure that was met by the shocked stares of 5 men, being the unexpected visitor they thought you were. It turns out the appearances of those arguing were a red-haired man, and a blue-headed one. Back by the kitchen, the red-haired guy was taking what looked to be a mug out of a cabinet, while the blue-headed man leaned the front of his pelvis on the counter, elbows resting on it as each of his fingers interlocked with one another. There was a guy with white hair playing video games on the couch next to this ginger over-enthusiastically, while a blonde guy was putting a broom back into a storage closet.

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