Act II

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i stare at the email that i have sent to jisoo for the whole duration of the ride to the airport, it's definitely not making me feel better but i still continue with the act. it's weird. it's like i want to actually feel bad.

but there's also this fuzzy and warm feeling inside me as well. is it excitement? or am i feeling giddy?

actually, what if he does respond to my email?

"jeonghan, we're here," seungcheol says, his hand on my thigh, "are you okay?"

i nod, "yeah, sorry."

i get out of the cab after he did and waited by the side as he took out our baggages from the trunk of the car, "thank you."

"have a safe flight," seungho, the taxi driver, bows and drives away.

seungcheol holds a hand out and smiles at me gently, "let's go?"

i nod and start to walk, not taking his hand in mine. i just wish he can take that as a hint to not make any moves on me.



i lick my lips as my mouth felt dry just by reading his name. i didn't know why, maybe i'm just in disbelief? or maybe because i don't want to see him yet?

i sigh and throw my feet up on the table as i put my pen between my mouth and my nose, "i shouldn't reply. not just yet."

i close my laptop and let the pen fall on the floor, "joshua!"

i whip my head and see scarlet by the door, her head peaking out in between the gap and the casing, "do you have time to look over casey today?"

i nod, "sure, where's my little niece?"

"she's still in school and she'll be dismissed at 1pm. you can fetch her too, right?"

"sure thing, i'll head out by 12:30pm and wait for her outside the gates," i smile, "ah, where are you going by the way?"

"i have some business to take care of, economics or whatnot you know how the hong industries go," she says, "i got to go, see you later!"

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