The girl with the raven locks

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Authors note: Again, the whole universe belongs to JKRowling and not me !!!! This is my first ever attempt so any criticism would be appreciated !!

**Professor Snape's Perspective **

To say that he wanted to go out and tend to the mysterious body that had been found on the premises would be a complete lie. So untrue he believed that like the muggle tales he had distantly heard of, his nose would grow several feet, spanning the width of the room. Not only had he, yet again, been stuck teaching potions to an insufferable class of nobodies who could barely dress themselves, his desired role had been filled by the hateful woman that had sat next to him. As the rest of the students piled into the hall, the professor wanted nothing more than to simply hurry them along as the woman's putrid stench wafted over towards him, too much. That woman had smelt rather reminiscent of cat piss to his unfortunate nose. This year could not be heading in a better direction for Snape.

After nearly shoving one of the silver forks resting innocently on the table into his eye and putting himself out of his misery, the professor stiffened, tensing a little, as the doors opened and the ignorant woman's incessant whines and endless praise for the ministry settled. Watching in anticipation as the hushed words of Finch were whispered in Dumbledoors ear, Snape's eyes met with Mcgonnogal's down the row of teachers.

He stood as the headmaster ushered for him and Minerva to stand and quickly whispered to them over the hushed chatter of the students. With a curt nod he gestured for Minerva to walk first as the two strolled down the narrow channel in the middle of the hall, the air of authority surrounding them as Snape cast a few random glares towards the students - mostly Gryffindors.

The duo continued their fast paced walk before waiting for their superior to catch up with them. Once the three were together, they continued on towards their destination until they neared the soft silhouette of a body outside on the embankments. Tucked against the damp tree branches almost like a badly concealed secret was a shivering body, one of the only signs of life it visibly presented. Her hair was concealed in thick smears of mud, spread and flayed as if wanting escape themselves, distressed tentacles. The stray strands manipulated by the harsh winds and her body shook violently in chilled tremors. Her seemingly pale, alabaster skin was littered with cuts and bruises, red and angry at their mistreatment as they mapped across her cold body and stood out from the blanket darkness surrounding her form. The baffling girl on the forest floor was laying rather peacefully, eyes fluttered shut as if merely resting - who knew how long she had been laying there.

From listening to Dumbledoor's account that he had been given from the caretaker, Snape could deduce that the girl must have wandered upon the grounds, considering all the students were accounted for and they had no news of any new, last minute transfers. However, the likes of an event like this occurring were slim - especially with the emergence of the recent sinister lurking darkness, By now, he'd imagine any other schools who were missing their planned students, would have immediately reached out to the headmaster - of which he was assured there was no word from. It was too suspicious. Who the hell was she?

As the professors snuck their way up to the wards and explained the situation to Poppy, Severus took stand in the corner, nearly concealed in the shadows himself yet in a position of complete perfect vision of the room. He could not help, despite how hard he tried, his gaze drifting over to the bed. Where the young patient was being healed and cleansed. The mud falling away to reveal one of the prettiest girls he thinks he may have ever seen. She looked, even asleep, haunting as the moonlight dispersed over her skin. Her hair, was like a ravens, dark and almost luminescent as the moon glistened. Her face angular and proportioned like an angel, eyelashes resting softly, fluttering occasionally although her eyes did stay shut. Her lips were both plump and pink toned and then, in that moment, they pursed slightly as a deep raspy breath was drawn from them, strained.

The professors and healer, crowded her slightly, even Snape himself took a few steps closer to her bedside as her eyelashes fluttered more violently before finally opening. The girl's eyes practically exclaimed her distress and confusion as her gaze hardened on the figures in the room and to the shock of all the company, she opened her mouth as her angry gaze darted around. "Where. The . Fuck. Am. I. " the girl hissed.

Her eyes ... her eyes ...

Snape quickly, with a flourish of his robes, turned promptly and left the room. The wise old man following behind as Minerva stayed to comfort and assure the stranger.

Thank your for reading ! Sorry this one was a little shorter?
What do you think of our new girl, what do you think she will be like?

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