There's no place like home ...

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Authors note: Again, the whole universe belongs to JKRowling and not me !!!! This is my first ever attempt so any criticism would be appreciated !! This chapter specifically may be a little uncomfortable for some readers as it may allude to a few rather dark topics, whilst not being very vivid - reader discretion is advised. If you wish to skip the chapter, a summary of the events will be at the end :)

*Aoife's perspective*

"Ugh" the girl groaned, in a rather cliched, grouchy teenager style as she used her still weakened and fatigued arms to haul her up a little further on the small hospital bed. Finding herself in solitude, she took a moment to simply appreciate the beauty that was in-front of her. Considering it was - as she imagined - the start of the academic year, even for wizarding  communities surprisingly- the ward was desolate and empty. Aoife watched as the warm Apollo graced her with its presence, winking at her through the dispersed trees as it rose higher in the sky. The large windows in the room allowing the molten gold to spill and illuminate every nook and cranny, every crevice. Aoife sighed in peace.

Looking back at the door, where she was sure someone would enter soon, she just shook her head. Immediately after waking up and ridding herself of her post sleep grogginess, she had simply thought she was still asleep and the strange events were some kind of nightmarish dream or drug fuelled hallucination. But, for once, Aoife was wrong. Looking down at her pale and greyish hands Aoife counted the things she was sure of. One. She was in some kind of hospital ward. Two. She was far away from home and had been missing for an uncertain period of time. Three, and the most false sounding - the world was magical, and so was she. Taking another ragged breath at her failed attempts to rationalise and shake herself out of her delusions, she settled herself to the harsh truth - that her words were intact true.

It was that instant that the doors, predictably, swung open and the older man from the previous night walked in and took the seat next to her bed. "I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledoor, and you are?" He asked warmly, even though she noticed a hint of youthful, almost mischief in the glint of his eye. In that moment, she decided that she trusted him. With no reasoning or facts - she just seemed to trust him.
"I'm Aoife." She replied simply, short, snappy and calm.
The headmaster nodded his head to her statement, "Well Aoife, have you got a surname? I checked as many records as possible and you, young lady are practically unknown to the wizarding world. You are truly an enigma child."

Aoife had to try her hardest to contain a laugh "That is I think the first time I have been called an enigma, surely it cannot be unheard off, there must be lots of magical muggles unaware of there abilities. And in answer to your surname question - I do not have one. I was - " the raven haired beauty bit her lip momentarily, coughing to compose herself a little " I was abandoned as a newborn, practically fresh out of hospital I'd imagine. I never had a name. I got fed up when I was older with being referred to as 'her' and people trying to work around the fact that I am a nobody - with no identity, so I just told people my name was Aoife. I had one social worker for a few years when I was about 8 or 9 perhaps? She used to always cheer me up when I was upset, she used to remind me that I was beautiful and no less than anyone else there ... Aoife means beautiful and it's a common Irish name." She smiled sadly up at him.

The elder man was a little shocked admittedly, a strange concoction of emotions for him. The headmaster usually had some kind of feeing or premonition, not always caught off guard. "I see, I see." He nodded "Well we will enrol you here for now, considering you have no ... no parents, you should just be known as a disappearance in your world. You will have to work hard if you wish to stay in sixth year though dear, you'll have to catch up with your peers. Something tells me you would not wish to learn alongside a bunch of 11 year olds. That's a lot of years of work to catch up on, you may have to be held back a few years although something about you tells me you'll be an astonishingly powerful witch and will get the grasp of things quickly. I am also confident your professors can provide some extra support and tutoring " he smiles reassuringly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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