A long way from home ...

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Authors note: Again, the whole universe belongs to JKRowling and not me !!!! This is my first ever attempt so any criticism would be appreciated !!
*Aoife's perspective*

"Where. The. Fuck. Am. I. " she asked as her eyes tried to accumulate to view the room. Around her were a scattering of faces, confused, concerned and guarded. One from an older man, hair white and wirey with a cautious yet paternal arrangement of features. He glanced over her, thin cracked lips opening before he was distracted by one of his other companions storming aggressively out of the room, causing her to shrivel a little lower into the comforts of the bed. She had glimpsed the man, before he left, his face rather ambiguous with the casting of the shadows, she could barely distinguish him, but she could feel his stare on her - it was a little unnerving.

The raven haired girl was awoken from her internal musings by a cool vile being placed against her lips, too overwhelmed to even begin protesting she opened her lips slightly and the tall traditionally dressed woman tipped the suspicious fluid down her throat. Coughing and spluttering a little, the girl pitched forwards on the bed and grimaced. "What the fuck was that? Is that some kind of poison?" she asked, voice raw. Her whole body was tense, every single nerve ending feeling electric, sparking like a frayed wire. The woman who had given her the disgusting concoction smiled pitifully at her, "Sorry sweetheart the potions aren't known for their tastes" she soothed as she eased her back against the bed. The other figure from before stepped even closer and sat down next to her bedside.  She had on the same strange clothes as the others had, and a witches hat. Perhaps she had been unconscious and woke on Halloween or something, because last she checked, the latest Paris trends were not pointed and black. Not that she kept up with fashion. The woman had aged skin and an air of respectable authority towards her, but also a hint of soft kindness - perhaps it was in the light of her eyes or the soft upturn of her thin pursed lips.

The woman started "I'm Professor McGonagall, your at Hogwarts school for ... " she trailed off as if contemplating something before clipping her sentence and starting again "Do you know where you are? What is your name?" She asked kindly and patiently.

Aoife was unsure if she could trust the older woman, despite how out of character it was, honestly she was just scared and confused. "Hogwarts?" She asked once more, the word not seeming familiar to her from conversations she had overheard, so she could only presume she was not near her home town, she almost winced, the words home seeming foreign and out of place. "My names Aoife" she said as peacefully as possible, her accent strong and Irish.

"How did you get here? Your late if your were heading for the school? You were outside unconscious, do you know how long you were there? Do you know about magic? Are you with the death eaters ?" the deputy asked, unable to stop or delay the blabber of questions.

Leaning away a little, the girl looked alarmed up at Minerva, "I er hold on a little, I have just woken up from unconsciousness as you pointed out - one question at a time. I have no clue where I am, the last thing I remember is going to sleep in my bed. Is Siobhan playing another joke or something? Because  I swear I will make that little bitch pay. I have no clue where I am, let alone which school this is , I already go to a school, though if I did pass out and missed the first day ... " she just shook her head, clearing it of thoughts, before taking a shallow cleansing breathe and continuing, "I'm not sure how long I was out, I am extremely cold though so I would imagine a while, and the dirt had settled into my skin a lot. Death eaters? Is that the latest band or something? Because I really don't tend to be the 'groupy type' I already have to suffer with the One Direction obsessions, let alone the Death Eaters or whatever. Why are you looking at me like that !" She screamed, her nerves getting the best of her a little as she was tired of the speculating penetrative gaze and was still unsettled in her surroundings.

The woman who was tending to her injuries turned "You don't know about magic? What do you see sweetheart?" She asked as kindly as possible whilst continuing to cast McGonnogal secretive side glances, as if having a private conversation.

"Some kind of hospital ward? Is that where I am because none of you appear to have Irish accents and it's not very busy?"

Rather rudely, at least in Aoife's opinion, the two women began to converse in private, seemingly ignoring her presence in the room. "She must be magical Minerva, she wouldn't be able to see anything if not - you know that. Muggles cannot see Hogwarts at all." they whispered, the teen rolling her eyes, "Well who is she then? What was she doing there? She is definitely too old to be a first year - she should have gotten her letter years ago and should have been in some kind of school, she should know about magic at the very least at her age. She doesn't have the dark mark so that means she's not likely affiliated with he who shall not be named. " they continued, discussing rather like a pair of gossiping old women. Finally reaching her limit, her frustration about to explode - the Irish girl interjected "Did you just call me a mug?" Her face rather appalled at being so blatantly insulted.

Taking a deep, long suppressed sigh, the deputy began speaking once more. She figured that if the whole situation got too out of hand, she could always just obliviate the girl, even if it did go against her morals. "So to get this straight, the last thing you remember was going to sleep in Ireland, you sleep walked your way to a magical school for witches and wizards, which, by the way, no muggle can see and have no knowledge at all of magic or how you got here?" She asked inquisitively, rubbing a temple absentmindedly when receiving a slightly shocked "yes I guess so ...".

"Well, Dumbledoor will have to ask around the other schools first and may need to contact your parents, but shortly we should be able to enrol you I would imagine. You can make your friends and learn your magical abilities, if you have any, and we will keep a close eye on you." She said, her tone slipping into more of a professor tone as she spoke with an air of finality.

Green eyes stared, almost paralysed into those of McGonnogal's "So you are being truthful? Magic? All those power cuts when I got angry? Or the times someone would just randomly fall if I stared hard enough? It was me? M-m- magic?" She asked incredulously " surely I must be drea-" she started but before the girl could even finish her sentence, she was unconscious once more on the coarse bed linen as Poppy fawned over her to check she was okay. "She's just overwhelmed and tired, I'm sure she will be fine. I've decided not to give her a dreamless sleep potion, so let's hope she gets the rest she needs and I'm sure you can continue this discussion in the morning." She smiled kindly, ushering her friend out of the room.

'That girl is certainly a character ....' McGonnogal thought to herself as she strolled out of the room to intrude on Severus and Albus, she was curious at why Snape had fled so quickly ...

What is your opinions on McGonnogal? Who is your favourite professor?

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